25-09-2011  14:29:59
PM urges relief agencies, media to portray severity of Sindh floods to world
ISLAMABAD, Sept 24 (APP): Highlighting the devastation caused by recent heavy rains and floods across the Sindh province, Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani on Saturday called upon the national and international relief agencies as well as media to portray its severity to the world.“The scale of devastation this year is not less than what this nation experienced last year..... Since the spread of the floods is all across the Sindh province, the national and international relief agencies, and the media, must portray its severity to the world,” Gilani said while speaking at a briefing on flood situation in Pakistan for ambassadors, heads of diplomatic missions and representatives of international organizations here.
The Prime Minister said the calamity besides taking a terrible toll in terms of human sufferings, livestock and infrastructure, has also resulted in huge economic loss as standing crops were destroyed and hundreds of thousands of homes were washed away or damaged.
 “Alive to this, I appeared on television to make a passionate appeal to the nation at large and the international community to come forward and lend a helping hand to the affectees.”
 “I called upon them to repeat their exemplary gesture of 2010, when both the calamity and the support from home and abroad were unprecedented,” he added.
 Prime Minister Gilani noted with immense satisfaction that the response to his appeal has been overwhelming and international organizations, partner nations, NGOs, INGOs and Civil Society have come forward in a big way to help their brethren in need.
 “Such exemplary display of generosity reinforces our faith in universal brotherhood.”
 Prime Minister Gilani on this occasion also expressed his gratitude for UN Secretary General, Ban-Ki-moon and the UN system for responding promptly to Pakistan’s appeal for international assistance.
 He said the gigantic task of rescue, relief and rehabilitation has pre-occupied the government, adding, “We have mobilized all our national resources to provide immediate relief to the affected people.”
 “Flood waters have not yet receded. Millions of people require shelter, food, health-care and sanitation. I am pleased to note that the Prime Minister’s Relief fund 2011 is receiving positive response despite the relatively less time span since we realized the enormity of the crisis.”
 “Where we express gratitude to the international community, I must call upon organizations both public and private, the corporate sector, the civil society and media to harness their potential to the full and continue to play their role in extending relief to those hit by this huge disaster,” he added.
 He said the role of the public representatives in a crisis situation is of utmost importance, adding, they have a responsibility to reach out to their people and extend every possible support.
 “The parliamentarians need to be in thick of the action and become the eyes and ears of relief agencies”, Gilani said, adding, realizing the importance of the role of public representatives, he has formalized their involvement by constituting a parliamentary committee under the leadership of Senator Syed Nayyar Hussain Bokhari, leader of house in the Senate.
 “The committee shall act as a monitor and a link between the people and the relief workers; aiding and assisting in identifying needs and guiding the relief providers,” he added.
 The Prime Minister said wherever he had gone to monitor floods relief efforts his message has been loud and clear - “we will under no circumstances abandon our brothers and sisters in this moment of crisis. We belong to the people, we are what we are because of the people and amongst then you will find us.”
 President Asif Ali Zardari  has led from the front in energizing the relief teams, encouraging the Disaster Management Authorities and in wiping the tears of the affectees, he added.
 The Prime Minister said he cancelled a crucial trip to New York to be in the flood waters himself and supervise relief operations.
 “Let me say that natural calamities and man-made disasters are not new to this nation. For two consecutive years, we have seen the devastation caused by the floods, affecting millions of people.”
 “Each disaster brings us closer as people and tests our resilience in the face of crisis. For relief agencies and experts like yourself, each calamity seems to make you stronger and wiser, leaving you with experience and knowledge in preventing and managing future challenges should they arise,” he added.
 The Prime Minister said, “Our people and the relief agencies have risen on each occasion and such disasters have brought out the best in them.”
 He said the important role of National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) and its provincial chapter PDMA who are doing their best with the support and in collaboration with the provincial government to provide relief and rehabilitation services in an efficient and coordinated manner.
 The Prime Minister lauded the country’s armed forces including Army, Air Force and Navy for the rescue and relief activities in the rain and flood affected areas of Sindh.
 He also commended the outstanding services provided by Pakistan Bait-ul-Maal in reaching out to the families who have lost their livelihoods and belongings to the merciless waters.
 The overall role of the Cabinet Division, its Emergency Relief Cell and the National Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Network has been instrumental in saving lives threatened by the spread of disease and epidemics that floods bring in their fold, he added.
 The Prime Minister said the health response had been appropriate and timely with thousands of precious lives saved.
 “To the heads of diplomatic missions and Ambassadors I must express my profound gratitude. I also want you to convey my personal thanks to your respective governments for responding to Pakistan’s appeal for assistance.”
 “Such overwhelming support for the last two years strengthens our bonds of friendship and reflects the love of your people for the people of Pakistan. Let us work together in rebuilding the lives of those who have no one but us to look up to,” he added.