25-09-2011  14:30:25
Pakistan’s credentials, sacrifices in counter-terrorism campaign impeccable, unquestionable: Gilani
ISLAMABAD, Sept 24 (APP): Rejecting the assertions of complicity with the Haqqanis or of proxy war, Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani on Saturday said it would only benefit the enemies of peace.“Blame-game is self-defeating. We strongly reject assertions of complicity with the Haqqanis or of proxy war.  It will only benefit the enemies of peace.”“Only terrorists and militants will gain from any fissures and divisions. Pakistan’s credentials and sacrifices in the counter-terrorism campaign are impeccable and unquestionable,” the Prime Minister said in a policy statement during a briefing on floods in Pakistan for diplomats and international organizations here.
He said the propaganda blitz against Pakistan is indeed most unfortunate, adding, it vitiates the atmosphere and is counter productive. “It tends to ignore the sacrifices by the people of Pakistan and negates all that we have endeavoured to achieve over the last so many years.”
 “More than 35,000 Pakistanis have fallen victim to the acts of terrorism and many more have been injured,” he added.
The Prime Minister said, “We have taken resolute action against terrorists and militants. We have done so in our national interest. The United States knows very well the full account of large number of Al-Qaida operatives that were interdicted, captured and killed by our security forces.”
 “Terrorists are targeting innocent civilians, bombing our markets and places of worship and carrying out targeted assassinations against security and law-enforcement personnel,” he added.
 Prime Minister Gilani said, “the allegations betray a confusion and policy disarray within the US establishment on the way forward in Afghanistan. Clearly, there is concern over the deterioration of the security situation in Afghanistan.”
 “Recent attacks in Kabul including on the US Embassy were disquieting. We condemn these attacks”, he said, adding he was in Kabul recently to convey our condolences and express solidarity with people and leadership of Afghanistan on the tragic assassination of Professor Rabbani.
 The Prime Minister said, “There is the need for close policy coordination between Afghanistan, Pakistan and the US. We need to develop a clear and coherent strategy together.”
 “A clear roadmap so that all three i.e. Afghanistan, Pakistan and the US are on the same page and work together for achieving the stated goal of reconciliation and peace.  It is with this in view that we established the Trilateral Core Group which has met four times,” he added.
 The Prime Minister said, “Clarity and strategic coherence would lead to the necessary operational policy coordination.  Realities and the dynamics of the situation on the ground also need to be objectively factored,” adding, “It is with this in view that we consistently signalled closer and deeper engagement with the US and Afghanistan.”
 Gilani said Pakistan cannot be held responsible for the security of US NATO/ISAF forces in Afghanistan, adding, “While there have been terrorist attacks in Kabul and Wardak, there have also been numerous attacks on Pakistan launched from sanctuaries and safe heavens in Nooristan and Kunar in Afghanistan.”
 “It is as much the responsibility of the Afghan National Army, NATO and ISAF not to allow such cross-border militancy. Joint operations and coordination are essential. Let’s be objective and not get carried away by emotions,” he added.
 The Prime Minister stated: “In our recent interaction with the United States, including Foreign Minister’s meeting with the Secretary of State, as well as at the military and intelligence tracks, we have emphasized the need for deeper engagement.”
 “However, this can only take place on the basis of mutual respect. Let’s avoid mutual recrimination and recommit ourselves to working together for eliminating terrorism and for reconciliation and peace in Afghanistan. Prosperous, stable and peaceful Afghanistan is in the interest of Pakistan,” he added. 
 “Pakistan’s national interests will guide our policy,” the Prime Minister said.