30-11-2011  17:20:23
Pakistan to revisit engagement with NATO, ISAF: PM
ISLAMABAD, Nov 27 (APP): Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani said Pakistan will revisit engagement with NATO and International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in the backdrop of Mohmand Agency incident.In an interview to a private television, the Prime Minister said that the Parliament’s Committee on National Security has been assigned to probe the memorandum issue and the nation will know the truth about the matter as promised by the government.He said the matter would be investigated by the parliamentary committee consisting of members of political parties in both the houses fairly.
About the appointment of Sherry Rehman as ambassador to the United States, he said first it was the decision of party and later on his own.
 He said the Taliban should decommission and denounce violence and then the government would be ready to talk to them to bring them into the mainstream.
 “If somebody will challenge the writ of government it will not be accepted,” he added.
 The Prime Minister said the government would continue to pursue its policy of dialogue, development and deterrence.
 To a question about the statement of Defence Minister Ahmed Mukhtar on memo issue, he said the Defence Minister was right that the Prime Minister would be responsible as the chief executive of country.
 He said he summoned Husain Haqqani and asked him to submit resignation.
He said he also committed that a credible probe would be done and all facts would be brought before the nation.
 The Parliament’s Committee on National Security is a credible forum which will thoroughly investigate the memo issue as mandated by the government, he added.
 He said 80 percent of Aghaz-e-Haqooq Balochistan package has been implemented and 27 resolutions of the Balochistan Assembly have also been implemented.
 He said the government is reviewing the demand by the Balochistan government that Frontier Constabulary should work under Chief Minister Balochistan.
 The Prime Minister said Pakistan will continue to support the peace process which is Afghan-led and Afghan-owned.
 To a question about departure of Shah Mehmood Qureshi from Pakistan Peoples Party, Gilani said the PPP is an ideological party and coming and going of an individual does not matter as the strength of the party and its ideology is intact.
 Many stalwarts left the party in the past but the party remained united and even today the PPP is in power, he added.
 He said the PPP and the MQM have total understanding on national issues and they will continue to cooperate for the sake of democracy and federation.