07-12-2011  19:07:37
PM calls for following principles of Imam Hussain (RA)
ISLAMABAD, Dec 6 (APP): Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani called upon people to follow the principles espoused by Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA), for the security of Pakistan and glory of Islam. In a message on the occasion of ‘Youm-e-Ashura’, the Prime Minister said, “We can become an ideal society if we adopt the principles of Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA) in our individual and collective lives.”
Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA) sacrificed his life for his cherished principles, he added.
 Gilani said, “Today is the day of Ashura. This day has a special significance in Islamic history. This is the day when Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA), the Holy Prophet’s grandson, took on the forces of falsehood for the glory of Islam.
“On this very day, the battle was fought between the forces of truth and falsehood, which would continue to impart Muslims a lesson of sustained struggle against oppression and tyranny till the Day of Judgment,” he said adding in fact, this battle for truth is not only a beacon for the Muslims but also for the entire mankind.
 The Prime Minister said the incident of Karbala proved to the world that it is the truth which holds sway in fight against the evil forces.
If a nation is on the right path and bearer of truth, superiority in military weapons cannot discourage or defeat it, he observed.
 The Prime Minister said the power of faith is so strong that it can bring down any adversary.
“In the plains of Karbala, the companions of Imam Hussain (RA) were very small in number with little weapons. But they fought bravely against the forces of Yazid that were equipped with the state of art weaponry and thus became instrumental in the victory of truth over falsehood. The battle between forces of truth and falsehood imparts us a lesson of sacrifice and selflessness,” he added.
 He said this great event in the human history taught that they can fight against any challenge by implementing the universal principles of Islam.
“We must create a spirit of forbearance, sympathy and tolerance. Our great religion, Islam, stands for brotherhood, equality, truthfulness, and justice,” he added.
 The Prime Minister said by implementing the principles of Imam Hussain (RA) in their lives, Muslims cannot only succeed in this world and the hereafter but also ensure the universality of the Islamic message.
 Gilani said the strife and challenges faced by dear homeland these days at individual and collective levels represent a battle between truth and falsehood.
“By following Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA) in his footprints, we are determined against the forces of falsehood in this battle.”
 He said, by the grace of God, with the support of people of Pakistan and strength of our faith, we would succeed in this world and in the world hereafter by defeating the forces of falsehood.”
“We would continue to fight against terrorism and extremism unless these forces are thoroughly routed. We are fully determined and on this day of Ashura, we reiterate our pledge that we would further strengthen unity, political and social harmony, mutual tolerance, and brotherhood in our ranks.”
 The Prime Minister said, “Come and let us vow that we would follow the principles espoused by Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA) for security of our motherland and glory of Islam and would not hesitate to offer any sacrifice for the sake of Islamic principles.”
 “May Allah give us courage to stand our ground against the forces of falsehood! (Amen),” he concluded.