07-12-2010  22:41:08
Gilani, Erdogan for enhanced Pak-Turk ties through trade, connectivity       
ANKARA, Turkey, Dec 7 (APP): Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani and his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday held wide-ranging talks and agreed to accord high priority to bilateral trade and investment and increased connectivity.In a meeting at the residence of Prime Minister Erdogan, the two leaders reaffirmed support to each other in all matters.They noted the growth in bilateral trade, and reaffirmed desire to achieve the target of $ 2 billion trade volume by the year 2012, through early finalization of a strategic economic cooperation framework, and fast tracked trade facilitation and measures for businessmen.
They agreed to promote cooperation in the financial sector by encouraging commercial banks and financial institutions to open branches in each other’s countries.
The other areas that came under discussion included cooperation in the field of renewable energy, and tourism with particular emphasis on development of Pakistan’s tourism sector.
On security and military cooperation, Gilani and Erdogan agreed to deepen security cooperation in their campaigns against terrorism and extremism, illicit arms trafficking, as well as counter narcotics and human smuggling.
The two sides also agreed on exchanges of cultural delegations, academia and parliamentarians for strengthened people--to-people contacts.
Prime Minister Gilani and Erdogan identified connectivity, trade and finance as the sectors that had the potential to be explored by both countries for mutual collaboration.
Prime Minister Gilani said the relationship between Pakistan and Turkey stems from shared roots in history and heritage, as well as cultural, linguistic, historical and civilizational commonalities.
He mentioned the support extended by the two countries’ to each other on national issues of common concern, and said it is a manifestation of their close friendly relations and historic affinities.
He appreciated Turkey’s special role in promoting peace, security and development in the region, as well as acting as a bridge between the East and the West.
Prime Minister Erdogan reiterated his desire to build on the geo-economic advantages to advance genuine special relationship between Pakistan and Turkey to the unprecedented levels.
He called to upgrade and operationalize road, air and rail connectivity between Pakistan and Turkey.
Gilani thanked Erdogan for assisting Pakistan cope with the burden of recent devastating floods and mentioned the humanitarian gestures expressed by her wife Emine Erdogan and daughter for the flood-stricken people during their visit to Pakistan two months back.
Earlier, Prime Minister Gilani was given warm official welcome as he arrived at the Turkish Prime Minister’s residence. The Turkish Prime Minister received Gilani as the national anthems of Pakistan and Turkey were played.
A smartly turned out contingent presented salute to Prime Minister Gilani. Later both the Prime Ministers reviewed the parade.