08-01-2011  12:54:58
Pakistan Afghanistan to establish joint consultative commission for peace process in Afghanistan
ISLAMABAD, Jan 7 (APP): Pakistan and Afghanistan on Friday agreed to the establishment of a high powered Joint Consultative Commission to pursue the peace process in Afghanistan. It was also decided during talks between the delegations of both countries to revive the Smaller Jirga to help facilitate the dialogue for ensuring peace in Afghanistan. During the meeting held here at the PM House on Friday evening, the Pakistan delegation was led by Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani while the Afghan delegation was led by Burhanuddin Rabbani Chairman of the High Council for Peace of Afghanistan and head of Afghan Jirga.
Prime Minister Gilani said that it was encouraging to note that there is realization on both sides that both countries have suffered in the war against terror and now it is time to work together for peace and stability of the region.
The Prime Minister termed his recent visit to Kabul as successful in promoting close brotherly relations which would be further strengthened with expansion of trade between two countries and beyond into Central Asian Republics.
Burhanuddin Rabbani while reciprocating the gesture of friendship said that Afghanistan desires to develop deepest and strongest relations with Pakistan.
The people of Afghanistan, he added would be very happy to the agreement reached to establish high powered Joint Consultative Commission of both countries for peace in Afghanistan.
The Prime Minister paid tribute to President Karzai and all the leadership of the Afghan people for giving support to the delegation being led by Professor Burhanuddin Rabbani.
He stressed the need for more frequent exchange of delegations and close interaction to further promote the close ties between the two countries.
Pakistan delegation included Minister for Defence Chaudhry Ahmed Mukhtar, Minister for Foreign Affairs Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi, Minister for Interior Rehman Malik, Advisor to PM Mian Raza Rabbani, Secretary Foreign Affairs, Secretary Interior and Secretary Defence.
The Afghan delegation included Attaullah Lodin, Deputy Chairman of the High Peace Council, Assadullah Wafa Deputy Chairman of the High Peace Council, Masoum Stanikzai, Member and Chairman of the High Peace Council Secretariat, Maolawi Qiyam ud Din Kashaf, Member and Spokesperson of the Peace Council, Haji Azizullah Din Mohammad, Advisor and Chairman of Contact Committee, Dr. Ghulam Farouq Wardak, Member and Chairman of International Relations Committee, Maolawi Arsala Rahmani, Member and Chairman of Political Prisoners Affairs Committee, Qazi Mohammad Ameen Waqad, Member and Chairman of Publicity and Public Information Committee, Ustad Mohammad Akbari, Member High Peace Council, Maolawi Mohiuddin Baloch, Member High Peace Council, Fazel ul Karim Aimaq, Member High Peace Council, Mohammad Jore, Member High Peace Council, Majnoon Gulab, Charge d’ Affairs of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Islamabad, Mirwals Naad, Deputy Director General First Political of Secretariat, Mohammad Qaseem Lodhi, Incharge of Policy of Secretariat, Mohammad Nazir, Chief of Staff to Prof. Rabbani and Abdul Sattar Murad, Secretary to Chairman of the High Peace Council.