08-01-2011  12:57:21
Pakistan determined to support Afghan-led reconciliation process: PM
ISLAMABAD, Jan 7 (APP): Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani on Friday said that Pakistan, being an immediate neighbor with a vital stake in the stability of Afghanistan, will support Afghan-owned and Afghan-led process of reconciliation. “Extremism, terrorism and militancy have imperiled our region. We need to address these issues comprehensively and the root cause of these evils needs to be eliminated”, Gilani said while speaking at a banquet he hosted in honour of Professor Burhanuddin Rabbani Chairman High Peace Council and members of his delegation here at the PM House on Friday night.
Besides the members of Afghan delegation, the banquet was also attended by federal ministers, parliamentarians and senior officials.
Prime Minister Gilani said Pakistan and Afghanistan share bonds of culture, faith and history spanning over centuries, adding, “Our two peoples have deep love and affection for each other.  They have stood by each other through thick and thin. They have shared each other’s happiness and sorrows.”
“Destiny once again beckons us to unite our efforts and energies for ensuring peace and prosperity for our peoples and for the region as a whole”, he added.
The Prime Minister said Pakistan accords utmost priority to further strengthen our relations with Afghanistan, adding, “this is a cornerstone of our foreign policy.”
He noted with great satisfaction that bilateral relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan continue to deepen and broaden.
The Prime Minister said Pakistan greatly cherishes its relations with Afghanistan, as these are based on the principles of equality and mutual respect as well as principles of non-interference in each other’s internal affairs. 
“We have stood by the great Afghan nation in the most difficult times”, he said and assured that “We will continue to do so.” “It is indeed a matter of great honour for us to do our duty towards our Afghan brothers”, he added.
The Prime Minister recalled his visit Kabul last month and said his meetings with brother President Karzai and other Afghan leaders have reinforced his conviction that time has come to align our efforts for the cause of peace.
“Only Afghanistan and Pakistan can together offer a solution to the regional problems which is based on national conditions, history, culture and traditions”, he stressed.
He was of the view that in promoting peace the two sides need to give due attention to development, adding, the tremendous potential of mutually beneficial cooperation in trade and economy between our countries must be realized.
The Prime Minister referred to recent conclusion of the new Afghanistan-Pakistan Transit Trade Agreement (APTTA) and said, “We are determined to implement the Agreement so that our peoples could really benefit from it.”
Prime Minister Gilani welcoming Professor Burhanuddin Rabbani and the members of his delegation said, “I know Your Excellency has lived in Islamabad. We are delighted to see you once again here.  This is your second home.”
He described Professor Burhanuddin Rabbani as an eminent leader of the proud people of Afghanistan and said he is also held in high esteem and greatly respected in Pakistan.
“You have dedicated your life to the service of your nation.  We greatly admire your outstanding contribution to the just cause of freedom, peace and prosperity of Afghanistan.”
“You are once again embarked on a noble mission to promote peace and reconciliation. I wish you every success.  We are with you and will support your noble endeavours with sincerity and dedication”, he added.
The Prime Minister also requested Professor Rabbani to convey to President Karzai and the Afghan nation “our warm and sincere greetings as well as assurances of our full solidarity and support.”
Chairman High Peace Council, Professor Burhanuddin Rabbani in his remarks on the occasion appreciated the role of Pakistan in the efforts for peace in the region as well as their support and assistance for the people of Afghanistan.
He said Pakistan’s support is vital for the establishment of peace in the region.