22-10-2010  21:36:14

Pakistan must part of negotiation process: PM 

ISLAMABAD, Oct 22 (APP): Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani Friday said Pakistan must be involved in the “negotiation process” as it is part of the solution to the Afghan problem.Talking to office bearers of Diplomatic Correspondent Association of Pakistan (DCAP) here at Prime Minister House, he said, “Without involving Pakistan, any negotiation process cannot be succeeded.”The Prime Minister said Pakistan has taken initiative on the Afghanistan issue and making sincere efforts to ensure peace and security in the region.
Gilani said, “Pakistan is part of the solution to Afghan issue and not the problem.”
About Pakistan’s role in reconciliation process in Afghanistan, he pointed out that during last visit of President Hamid Karzai to Islamabad it was agreed that Afghanistan would share the plan with Pakistan. 
He said so far this plan has not been shared with Pakistan and once information is provided a decision would be taken as to how Pakistan can cooperate.
He said Pakistan’s relations with Afghanistan have been improved and these are far better today as in the past.
The Prime Minister said both Pakistan and Afghanistan have intelligence and defence cooperation and that was even more better in the present days.
Replying to a question about the recent efforts of Afghanistan government to start negotiation process with the Taliban, the Prime Minister said although Pakistan wanted that any such process should be led by Afghanistan but Pakistan should be involved in it.
He said the Afghan leadership has to yet discuss its new initiative of dialogue process with United States and expressed the hope that it would also discuss it with Pakistan for taking full support before implementing on it.
The Prime Minister said Pakistan has high stakes in Afghanistan’s stability, unity, territorial integrity and prosperity.
He said, “We support efforts for promoting an Afghan-led and Afghan-driven reconciliation process. Without peace in Afghanistan, there can be no peace in our region.”
The Prime Minister said, “We have signed on to a joint vision for our two countries and the region, one that places primacy on economic development.”
He said, “The AF-PAK concept is inherently flawed. We have strongly rejected such concept.”
Replying to a question, the Prime Minister said the previous Government allowed the use of drones for surveillance only and not for attacks.  He also contradicted reports that Pakistan has provided any base to the United States to operate these drones.
Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani said the United States has been told in categorical terms that drone attacks were counter-productive.
He said, “Pakistan is also trying to convince the United States either to provide drone technology or share actionable intelligence so that Pakistan’s own forces could take action inside our territory.”
The Prime Minister said Pakistan is pursuing strategic dialogue with the United States on the basis of mutual respect and its national interests.
He said the United States recognizes the sacrifices rendered by Pakistan during war on terror and this was reiterated during meeting of President Obama with Pakistani delegation at the Strategic Dialogue in Washington.
Gilani said Pakistan is demanding of the United States to enter into civil nuclear technology cooperation on the pattern of India.
 The Prime Minister said America can play an important role to resolve the Kashmir issue to act as a guarantor.
He said, “US is in a position to play important role to facilitate Pakistan and India to resolve their issues.”
The Prime Minister said lasting peace and security in the region can only be achieved with sincere efforts to resolve the long-standing disputes.
He said dialogue is the only way forward but expressed his disappointment that the promises made about resumption of dialogue have not been honoured mainly because of internal pressure on the Indian Prime Minister.
Gilani said Pakistan desired good cooperative relations with all states and seeking partnerships based on mutual respect and mutual benefit.
“Our neighbourhood policy is informed by our quest for peaceful co-existence, promoting trans-regional development and ensuring stability and peace,” he added.
He said lasting peace and security in South Asia can only be achieved with a sincere effort to resolve long-standing disputes that required leadership, vision and courage.
The Prime Minister said, “We value our dignity; are proud of our culture and shall never compromise on our sovereignty.”
He said a democratic country, Pakistan shall relentlessly pursue the path of peace, progress and prosperity but require a peaceful neighbourhood.
He said Pakistan today is engaged in correcting the historic wrongs adding “Not ours but of others”.
The Prime Minister said, “We remain seriously concerned over the prevailing situation in Indian Occupied Kashmir.”
He said Pakistan shall continue to extend its full moral, political and diplomatic support to the Kashmiri people in their just cause.
He said Pakistan is a responsible nuclear weapon state and its nuclear capability is for deterrence.  Strategic stability in South Asia is important for ensuring peace, he added.
The Prime Minister said, “We have a sovereign parliament, independent judiciary, free media, and active civil society and accountable executive.”
He said, “We are alive to the needs of economic reforms and pursuing these reforms in accordance with the Pakistani need and priorities.”
He said that media has pivotal role in forming perceptions and shaping opinions as it is the fourth pillar of the state. 
He said the government got strength from freedom of expression and opinion.
Regarding Pakistan’s recognition at international level, he said Pakistan is among the largest troops contributors of the United Nations for peace keeping missions.
He said Pakistan wants peaceful solution of the Iranian nuclear issue. He said any other course could have disasterous consequences for the region as a whole.  He said Pak-Iran gas pipeline is one of the symbols of our quest for shared prosperity.
He said, “We have partnership based on mutual respect and mutual interest with the United States and we value the assistance given by the US for Pakistan’s economic development and specially in the wake of floods.”
The Prime Minister said the on-going strategic dialogue is vehicle to advance the cooperation and understanding between the two countries. He said both the countries are sharing in intelligence, defence and other affairs in this war against terror.
Gilani said, “It is our war and Pakistan is not fighting any proxy war.”
Referring to the meetings of different political leaders on the issue of war against terror, the Prime Minister said, the government took into confidence all political leadership and they all supported military action.
He however said, the government adopted the 3D policy, (Dialogue, Development and Deterrence) before launching any operation against the militants.
Regarding relations with EU, the Prime Minister said, “We have upgraded our relations to the summit level and have two summit level engagements.”
He appreciated the recent EU decision to provide Pakistan enhanced market access. He said, “Pakistan wants trade and not aid”.
Replying to a question the Prime Minister said the train journey between Pakistan and Turkey currently takes four days and proposals are being discussed to upgrade it to reduce its duration for promoting trade between Pakistan and Turkey.
He said there would be more discussion on this project during his visit to Turkey next month.
He said this project was also discussed by him with the Turkish Prime Minister during his recent visit to Pakistan.
Answering a question about progress on Friends of Democratic Pakistan (FoDP), the Prime Minister urged the international community to fulfill their promises made in the meeting held in Tokyo and materialize the pledges.
He said although Pakistan has started the development projects like Malakand and Swat development using its own resources, but still waiting the fulfillment of the pledges made by the friends.
Answering a question about Pakistan’s perceptive and criticism in the international media regarding credibility of present government, the Prime Minister said those who are not interested and ready to provide funds to Pakistan are using such tactics only to defame Pakistan.
He said National Oversight Disaster Management Council, representing credible people from across the country has been formed to look into the expenditures on all sectors in the flood affected areas.
He said Watan Cards had been introduced by the government to provide cash payment to the victims through a complete transparent manner and all data is available with NADRA, the issuing authority of the cards.
About the criticism regarding ‘Army in the driving seat in all affairs’ the Prime Minister gave the example of Pak-US Strategic Dialogue adding that Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi is leading Pakistan’s delegation that also includes Chief of Army Staff, Defence Minister, Information Minister, Water and Power Minister and other officials.
He said decisions are taken after consultations with all stakeholders.
The Prime Minister said concessions announced by EU recently for Pakistani imports to EU countries, is a success of Pakistan’s foreign policy initiative.
The delegation of DCAP was led by its President Baqir Sajjad.