17-01-2011  13:48:18
Gilani for free, robust media
LAHORE, Jan 16 (APP): Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani has said  that a free and robust media is the main pillar of government’s media policy.“Free media is a deterrent against dictatorial and authoritarian tendencies,” he said while talking to a group of journalists from electronic and print media at his residence here on Sunday.Senior journalists Nazir Naji, Abbas Athar, Ajmal Niazi and Sohail Chaudhary called on the Prime Minister.Gilani called upon the mediamen to lead public opinion in the positive direction since senior journalists were opinion makers and could feel the pulse of the masses.
The Premier said that media should also keep people aware of  dangers of intolerance, religious extremism and terrorism which could harm the social as well as political fabric of society.
He said that the policy of reconciliation had paid rich dividends and helped improve the political situation in the country.
Gilani said that the government was not only concerned about  politically motivated issues but also the welfare of common man, adding that the western media had admired success of the Watan Card scheme and financial support programme launched by the PPP government. “It was duly acknowledged by US Vice President Joe Biden, saying that the programme was an important step towards improving the lot of the common man, he added.
The Prime Minister said that the media should highlight good works of the government to provide relief to the common man.