22-12-2010  20:35:22

Chairman Senate,
     On behalf of the government and the people of Pakistan as well as the Pakistani people’s representatives present here today, I wish to thank Your Excellency Mr. Wen Jiabao, Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China for addressing the Joint Session of the Pakistan Parliament.
     I also wish to take this opportunity to convey through Your Excellency the greetings and best wishes of the people of Pakistan to their Chinese brothers.

Your Excellency,
     Pakistan and China enjoy unique relations. The sentiments of love and affection, mutual respect, and deep affinity are rooted in the hearts and minds of our peoples.
     Pakistan considers China as a true and most reliable friend.
The destiny of our nations is inextricably linked. We share each others joys and sorrows. This most precious friendship and partnership has flourished through the nurture and care of successive generations of our leadership. It is cherished by our peoples. No wonder, then, that this special friendship has stood the test of time and grown from strength to strength.

     President Hu Jintao has described Pakistan and China as “truly good neighbours, close friends, trusted partners and dear brothers.” President Zardari has defined our friendship as being “higher than mountains and deeper than seas.” These are definitions that cannot be improved upon!

     As China’s true friend and sincere well-wisher, Pakistan rejoices in the glorious successes achieved by their Chinese brethren. China has also brought its characteristic wisdom, modesty and restraint to the conduct of global affairs. China’s moral voice and principled positions on global issues evokes respect and admiration and served as a much-needed anchor of stability in an otherwise turbulent region.

     The world has a lot to learn from China.
     Today is an especially auspicious day for this house. Several Senators and Parliamentarians sitting here have been part of delegations that have visited your beautiful country. Institutional cooperation between our Parliament and China National People’s Congress has grown over the past two years. Having enjoyed your generous, matchless hospitality, my colleagues are honoured to have you here amongst them.
     I wish to convey to Your Excellency and to the Chinese people that all political parties, all Parliamentarians, and the whole nation stands united in our determination to take our friendship   and
partnership with China to even greater heights.
     Your Excellency’s visit marks the beginning of the 60th anniversary celebrations of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Pakistan and China. The Parliament of Pakistan will celebrate 2011 as the friendship year with China.
     Pakistan-China friendship is higher than the mountains, deeper than the oceans, stronger than steel, and sweeter than honey. Long may it last and prosper!
     I wish you, Premier, Wen Jiabao health and happiness and the Chinese people peace and prosperity.
Long live Pakistan-China friendship.

Thank you.                                              5