05-10-2011  17:07:33

Speech of Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani Prime Minister of Pakistan on 6th Commencement of Institute of Space Technology (October 4, 2011)

Director General Strategic Plans Division,
Chairman SUPARCO,
Vice Chancellor, Institute of Space Technology
Members of the faculty
Distinguished guests
Ladies and Gentleman
Assalam o Alaikum,
It gives me immense pleasure to address this distinguished gathering on the occasion of the 6th commencement of the Institute of Space Technology. The ceremony marks the successful culmination of studies of the students who joined the Institute four years ago. On this occasion, I would like to congratulate the graduating students, their teachers and parents on their success. I am pleased to witness a new generation of young men and women having in the finest traditions of enlightened learning that undoubtedly will make our country proud in times to come.
Dear Graduates,
This day marks an important transition in your lives - a transition from the life of studentship to a life of responsibility as a professional engineer. During your time in IST, you were constantly guided and helped by your teachers. From now on, you will have to make your way through life on your own. As students you were groomed and prepared for this new role. I am confident that the preparation has been thorough and comprehensive and that the knowledge and expertise that you gained here, will benefit you in fulfilling the demands of practical life.
It is, indeed, a matter of satisfaction to see this Institution flourish and emerge as a seat of learning within a short span of nine years. This great achievement speaks volumes about the hard work and selfless devotion of the Institute’s management and faculty. Being an eminent seat of learning, focusing on engineering subjects specific to space technology, I am sure, IST has been successful in inculcating into the younger generation the proper understanding and importance of space technology applications.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Our National Space Agency, known as SUPARCO, recently launched a communication satellite PAK SAT 1R with the help of our Chinese friends. A large number of our engineers worked closely with their Chinese counterparts during all the stages of designing, manufacturing and development of this satellite. They had unique opportunity to gain first-hand experience in communication satellite manufacturing technology.
While I take this opportunity to extend my heartiest felicitations to the Chairman SUPARCO and his team, I also urge the IST graduates to work diligently in their professional endeavours to promote and extensively employ space technology applications for socio-economic development of our country. I am sure that IST will continue to prepare our youth for harnessing space technologies to meet the national requirements.
I am glad to inform you that the present democratic Government has recently approved ‘Pakistan’s Space Program---2040’, which clearly sets up the milestones to be achieved in our quest for Space Technology. Launching of PAKSAT - IR is, indeed, only the beginning of a long journey. As you proceed towards the attainment of the laid down objectives of Pakistan’s Space Program - 2040, I can assure you of the complete support of our Government towards your march on this journey.        
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The youth of Pakistan involved in technology development must realize that the field of space technology has varied dimensions. It plays a major role in sustainable socio-economic development and security of the country. In Pakistan, space technology applications are being increasingly used in the fields of communication, environmental studies, agriculture, water and disaster management & mitigation; and of course national security.
Research leads to new and efficient ways of finding innovative solutions to the problems. I urge IST’s faculty, students and the graduating class to inculcate the culture of research and a spirit of critical inquiry for promotion of science & technology in Pakistan. Development of science and technology is the way forward for development of Pakistan. This is how we can bring about a positive change in the life of our people.
Ladies and Gentlemen
I am pleased to learn about the high employment rate of the graduates of IST. This is obviously the result of the high standards of education imparted here and the other steps taken to maintain a liaison with industry and premier research and development organizations of the country. This must be a source of motivation for the students. I also hope that the new graduates will do their best in their endeavors and contribute to the national development.
In this context I would like to remind you that we all owe a great deal to our dear country, Pakistan. You can repay for what the country has provided you by serving it honestly and with complete dedication. I am positive that the kind of education you have received has broadened your perspective and vision of life. You should think in terms of your responsibilities before you demand your rights. My Government will continue supporting the progress of science & technology in the universities of Pakistan.
Once again I congratulate the graduating students and their parents for achieving a very important milestone in their life. I would like to end my speech with the quote of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. The great Quaid said and I quote:
“Without education, it is complete darkness and with education it is light. Education is a matter of life and death to our nation. The world is moving so fast that if you do not educate yourselves you will be not only completely left behind, but will be finished up. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) had enjoined his followers to go even to China in the pursuit of knowledge. If that was the commandment in those days when communications were difficult, then, truly, Muslims as the true followers of the glorious heritage of Islam, should surely utilize all available opportunities. No sacrifice of time or personal comfort should be regarded too great for the advancement of the cause of education.”
May Allah bless you with success!

I thank you all.  
Pakistan Paindabad