06-02-2011  14:56:26
Pakistan to continue to extend moral, political, diplomatic support to Kashmiris: PM
ISLAMABAD, Feb 5 (APP): Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani has reiterated the pledge of Pakistani nation to continue to extend full moral,political and diplomatic support to Kashmiri brethren in their just struggle for realizing their inalienable rights and legitimate aspirations. “We would not rest unless the people of Kashmir get their right to self-determination and win freedom from the Indian domination. We regard the Quaid-i-Azam’s dictum as our ideal wherein he said, “Kashmir is our jugular vein”. The day is not far when the Kashmiris would determine their own future”, Gilani said in his message on the occasion of Kashmir Solidarity Day on February 5. 
The Prime Minister said the Government and people of Pakistan join their Kashmiri brothers and sisters in observing the Kashmir Solidarity Day, adding, the whole nation stands united in seeking a just and peaceful solution to the Jammu and Kashmir dispute in accordance with the legitimate aspirations of the people of Kashmir as enshrined in relevant UN resolutions.
“It speaks volumes about the depth of historical, cultural and religious relations between the peoples of Kashmir and Pakistan.  These relations have remained unaffected by the changes wrought by time. The people of both sides have deep feelings of goodwill, brotherhood, and love for each other”, he added.
The Prime Minister said the entire world knows that the Kashmiris are engaged in a peaceful struggle for their right to self-determination, which the international community promised in the form of UN resolutions.
India had assured the world in the United Nations that it would give people of Kashmir an opportunity to decide their future, but India deviated from this commitment he said.
“This backtracking by India, coupled with gross human rights violations in the held Valley made Kashmiris realize that the former wanted to keep them under subjugation,” he added.
The Prime Minister said, “this beautiful valley, once dubbed paradise on earth, presents a picture of a garrison-state where the Indian security forces have let loose the forces of oppression and atrocities.”
The Kashmiris have faced the state terrorism with courage, high ideals and deep conviction, he said and added the unarmed people of Kashmir have chronicled a glorious chapter in the annals of human history by rendering immense sacrifices for their just cause.
Prime Minister Gilani said though the Kashmir cause enjoys popular support across party divide and every government raised its voice for the rights of the Kashmiris, however, Pakistan Peoples Party has a distinguished position in this regard.
“Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, the founding-chairman of PPP, categorically stated that we would fight for a thousand years for the right to self-determination of our Kashmiri brethren. Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto, during her two stints in power drew the attention of the world community to the violation of human rights in Held Kashmir and garnered global support for the oppressed people”, he added.
Following the same traditions, the Prime Minister said, the present government took a principled position on the Kashmir issue and brought it back into the global limelight.
Gilani recalled his meeting with the Indian Prime Minister at Sharm El Sheikh (Egypt) in July 2009 and said he made it clear that durable peace in South Asia is not possible without the resolution of the Kashmir dispute in line with the UN resolutions and the aspirations of the Kashmiri people.
“Though the Indian Prime Minister promised to initiate meaningful dialogue on all items of the Composite Dialogue Framework, including the core issue of Jammu and Kashmir, his promise is yet to be translated into reality”, he added.
The Prime Minister said giving the people of Kashmir their inalienable right to self-determination would not only establish durable peace in the region but also bring about prosperity for the people.
“We also pay homage to the memory of the Kashmiri martyrs who sacrificed their lives for this just cause”, he said and added the international community must take note of the situation in Indian Occupied Kashmir and speak out in defence of the fundamental rights of the Kashmiris.
“We salute the courage of the Kashmiri men and women, and especially the youth who remain steadfast in confronting Indian oppression through non-violent and peaceful means”, he added.