06-02-2011  14:58:06
India cannot stop rising dawn of freedom in Kashmir: PM
ISLAMABAD, Feb 5 (APP): Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani on Saturday said the sacrifices of the oppressed Kashmiri people will bear fruit and India cannot stop the rising dawn of freedom in Kashmir.India has been striving to suppress the voice of Kashmiris, who were fighting for their just right to self-determination for the last over half a century, through force and subjugation, he said and added but the day is not far when Kashmiris will determine their future.
The Prime Minister was speaking at a dinner he hosted in honour of the Kashmiri leaders here at the PM House on Saturday on the occasion of Kashmir Solidarity Day.
Besides the President, the Prime Minister of AJK and Kashmiri leaders, the dinner was attended by the Chairman of the Parliament’s Committee on Kashmir, Federal Ministers and Members of Parliament.
Prime Minister Gilani regretted that at the time of the division of Indo-Pak sub-continent, the Kashmiris’ accession to Pakistan was disallowed through a conspiracy.
He further deplored that Indian leadership has also been ignoring the resolutions of the United Nations, under which the Kashmiris were promised a plebiscite to chose their future.
The Prime Minister, however, hailed the courage of Kashmiris, who in their just struggle for the right to self-determination, were facing the unprecedented tyranny, subjugation and atrocities at the hands of Indian forces.
He said the way the Indian forces were committing atrocities against the innocent Kashmiris by putting the men in jails, killing the youth and disgracing women was unprecedented in today’s modern world.
The Prime Minister reiterated the moral, diplomatic and political support of the government and people of Pakistan to the Kashmiri people and said Pakistani nations has always stood and will continue to stand with their Kashmiri brethren in their just cause.
Gilani said the just resolution of Kashmir dispute is vital for durable peace in South Asia, without which the dream of development and prosperity in this region cannot be realized.
He further said that one of the major reasons behind the growing incidents of terrorism across the world was putting the disputes aside instead of resolving them peacefully.
The Prime Minister said the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), which was created with the aim for regional development and prosperity, also could not turn into an active and effective institution due to the growing tendencies of terrorism and extremism.
Gilani also recalled his meeting with Indian Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh in Sharam El Sheikh in July 2009 and said Dr.  Singh agreed with him that the issue of Kashmir should not be mixed with the problem of terrorism and measures be taken for its resolution.
The Prime Minister said Pakistan as always is ready to hold a meaningful dialogue with India for resolving Kashmir dispute, adding, but there was positive forward movement from the Indian side.
He said Pakistan is right in its view that Kashmir is a political issue and should be resolved politically.
Gilani also recalled the address of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Shaheed on January 24, 1994 in Islamabad on Kashmir Day, when she said: “We can neither leave our Kashmiri brethren alone nor can allow enhanced oppression in the guise of dialogue.” 
The Prime Minister featured the efforts made by the present government in taking up and highlighting the Kashmir dispute at various regional and international fora and said “our hearts beat with our Kashmir brothers and sisters, who are struggling for their just right to self-determination.”
He also called upon the international community to take notice of the Indian atrocities against innocent civilians in Occupied Kashmir and fulfil their human obligation to get the Kashmiris liberated from Indian subjugation and oppression, as if they did not fulfil their duty, the history will never forgive them.
“Let us pledge that we will never leave our Kashmiri brethren alone and will continue to support them till the realization of their right to determination, through peaceful efforts,” he maintained.