17-02-2011  13:28:34
Terrorism, extremism contrary to teachings of Holy Prophet (PBUH): Gilani
ISLAMABAD, Feb 16 (APP): Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani has said the entire life of Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) bears testimony to the fact that Islam guarantees shelter and protection for the entire humanity.In a message on the occasion of Eid-i-Milad-un-Nabi to be celebrated on Wednesday, he said, “Muslims around the world are celebrating the Eid Milad-un-Nabi (Peace Be Upon Him) with traditional zeal and zest.” He congratulated the Muslim world in general and the people of Pakistan in particular on this auspicious occasion.
Today is the birthday of a great personality who is merciful for all the worlds and who elevated the status of humanity, he added. 
The blessed life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) is a witness to the fact that he is paragon of mercy and love and he is the one who introduced humanity to a faith which is a complete code of life till the Day of Judgment, he added.
Gilani said the entire life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) is the beacon of guidance and he is no doubt a living representation of the Holy Quran and Islam.
The literal meaning of theword Islam is peace and security, he said adding humanity is the centre of Islamic teachings and Islam can rightly be credited with being a guarantor of man’s welfare in this world and hereafter.
He said every page of Islamic history spread over 1400 years is characterized by human welfare and well being.
The Prime Minister said this distinction of Islam that Allah Almighty liked this religion and assigned the responsibility of its propagation and projection to the Holy Prophet (PBUH) is not less than a miracle.  The Holy Prophet (PBUH) highlighted the practical aspects of the Islamic teachings and concepts during the 63 years of his life.
He blessed every age with his excellent morality, exemplary character, lofty ideals, generosity and flawless life, he remarked. 
He said among the issues being faced by the Muslims around the globe, terrorism and extremism figure prominently. If these issues are analyzed in the light of life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), it becomes clear that terrorism and extremism have nothing to do with the teachings given by the Holy Prophet (PBUH).
“Rather these misguided individuals are violative of what Islam stands for and espouses,” he stressed.
Gilani said a peaceful religion such as Islam fully rejects terrorism and extremism.
He said the Holy Prophet (PBUH) chronicled a new chapter of reconciliation by forgiving his worst enemies in an age which was known for revenge and vendetta.
He even went to the extent of praying for guidance of his enemies. Therefore, it is not possible that a true follower of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) resorts to killing and bloodshed in the name of religion, he noted. 
The Prime Minister said it is a matter of immense satisfaction that the entire Islamic world has condemned terrorism collectively and reminded the civilized world that those who invoke religion to justify their heinous and reprehensible acts of terrorism have nothing to do with Muslims and Islam.
“While celebrating this auspicious occasion, we must pledge that we would act upon the real teachings of Islam, consider ourselves as followers of the Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) and will perform our duties honestly and diligently to make Pakistan an Islamic,
democratic and moderate state,” he said adding, “May Allah Almighty guide and bless us to serve Islam and Pakistan (Amen).”