17-02-2011  13:29:42
Teachings of Holy Prophet (PBUH) only solution to problems: Gilani
ISLAMABAD, Feb 16 (APP): Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani on Wednesday said that following the teachings of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) was the only solution to problems confronting the country.“The life and teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) are a foundation to achieve peace and security and lead Muslims to a new phase of progress and prosperity,” the Prime Minister told the inaugural session of annual National Seerat Conference here at the Convention Centre.He said the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was a source of cure for the miseries of humans as they would make advances in science and technology and ultimately the world would achieve more progress.
The theme of this year’s conference is “Harmony in education and training in the light of the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)”.
Gilani said, “We should know that life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) is like an open book whose no page is hidden from anybody and its every aspect is unblemished.”
The Prime Minister said that Pakistan is faced with challenges and difficulties but it is still the centre of hopes for the Muslims of the world.
Gilani said Islam teaches that everybody should be kind to others without any discrimination as kindness, welfare and equality are the messages of Islam for the whole world.
Prime Minister Gilani said the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) always stressed to acquire knowledge as it is obligatory upon every Muslim man and woman.
The Prophet (PBUH) set up an institution for imparting education in Madina which later became famous for teaching not only general subjects but research and modern knowledge too. 
The Prophet (BPUH) ordered for releasing  prisoners of War of Badr who had taught the Muslims, he said. 
He said the life of the Prophet(PBUH) is a beacon for the mankind. About dealing in life the Prophet said,”the best among you is the person who is better for his family and I am better for my family.”
Islam urges its followers to invite others to goodness and refrain  them from bad acts and keep on struggling to lighten their path and that of others, he said.
The Prime Minister said  the main objective of the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was peace and security in the world and complete protection of the human race.
Through a comprehensive message, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) brought a revolution which closed forever the path of killings, violence and chaos, he said.
He said despite the fact that mosques, seminaries, shrines and religious parties are spreading the message of Islam,it is a matter of concern that extremism and chaos are still present in the society.
The Madaris should produce such people who love the society and they should point out its ills in a polite manner.
The government is using all its resources to maintain peace in the society and expects from the Ulema and Mashaikh to play their due role to root out extremist elements, he said.
He said it is an era of science and technology and stressed the need for promoting  such an educational system which could end differences in the society.
The Prime Minister said that the government is cognizant of the situation and that is why educational institutions are being established in far-flung areas of the country to abreast the coming generations with knowledge.
Better education and training will help the  government to steer the country out of the present crisis, he said.