02-03-2011  17:27:04

PM rejects calls for change through unconstitutional means
ISLAMABAD, March 1(APP): Rejecting the calls for a change through unconstitutional means, Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani on Tuesday urged the political leadership to abide by the Constitution and accept the rule of law.“We believe in democracy, which means following the Constitution and rule of law.The whole political leadership will have to abide by the Constitution and accept the rule of law”, he stressed while responding to various questions in the live “Prime Minister On-Line” programme of PTV on Tuesday night.
“Mian Nawaz Sharif is my friend... and Altaf Hussain is our ally (in the government). They have their own points of view, but there is no such provision in the Constitution”, Gilani maintained when his attention was drawn to the recent statements of the leaders of Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) and Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM), one talking of long marches and the other calling for a change or a revolution with the support of army generals.
The Prime Minister, however, agreed that the change could be made through constitutional means. “The change in democracy is considered to be healthy. If the parliament desires that there should be a change, then they have all the right to do that.”
To a question about the upward revision in petroleum prices, Gilani said, it was due to global phenomenon and the government, which has been taking a revenue hit of Rs. 5 billion per month and did not revise the prices since October 2010, had to take this decision to avoid further fiscal problems.
The Prime Minister recalled that he, on the advice of ANP Leader Asfandyar Wali, called the meeting of parliamentary leaders including the PML-N and MQM to discuss the issue of petroleum prices, but no one guided as to how the government could check the growing fiscal deficit.
He, however, added that the PPP being a political party and having its roots in poor masses across the country was ready to consider any alternative suggestion in this respect.
To another question, the Prime Minister said, owing to the government’s policies the agriculture sector, which is a source of income for around 70 percent population, was booming and the farmers and growers were prospering due to enhanced incomes.
He said in contrast to the year 2008, when the present government came into power and there was shortage of wheat and flour, now the country has surplus of wheat which was being exported.
The Prime Minister said the government was also helping and providing subsidies to the poor strata of society through Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) and the Utility Stores Corporation (USC).
He said the government’s achievements like 18th Amendment and NFC Award were also in line with the people’s long-standing demands of provincial autonomy and rights, adding, the additional resources for provinces under the NFC would help the poor masses.
Prime Minister Gilani did not agree with the view that the government’s decision to cut the size of federal cabinet annoyed some PPP members of parliament or created any division in the party, saying, “it is a big party and there can be difference of opinion.”
To a question about former Foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mehmood Qureshi, Gilani said, “he (Qureshi) is in the PPP and will remain in the PPP. His future is in PPP.”
The Prime The Prime Minister said size of the cabinet was decreased to respect wishes of people and political leadership.
The cabinet will be expanded when he will deem it fit, he said adding the constitutional bar on cabinet size was not mandatory at this point.
Gilani said the ISI is a well established institution, and it is working with institutions of other countries and naturally has information about the foreigners in Pakistan.
He said the government informed the National Assembly about the foreigners in Pakistan.
The Prime Minister said  the PPP government is committed to the moral, political and diplomatic support for the cause of Kashmiris and will continue to implement development projects in Kashmir.
Gilani said the policy of reconciliation may be seen as a weakness,but PPP will continue it.
To a question, he informed that the PPP had implemented 80 per cent of its manifesto and said results of the by-elections are proof of its popularity among the masses.
Implementing its manifesto, the government had  reinstated and regularized thousands of employees sacked in the past, he told.
He said after the severe floods in Pakistan, the government undertook massive steps for relief and rehabilitation of people and reconstruction of livelihoods.
Relief camps were set up to provide food and basic facilities to people, leaders of different countries visited the camps, army and aid agencies worked fast and people were protected from epidemics, he added.
The Prime Minister said the rehabilitation phase would be undertaken on war footings in line with the damage assessment report presented by international financial institutions.
Discussing the challenges faced by Pakistan in the recent years, he said global recession, electricity shortage, floods and war on terrorism compounded problems for the government and put pressure on the economy.
He said the government ensured food security for citizens and due its policies exports, foreign remittances and foreign reserves had increased.
He was of the view that the government’s economic policies would create conducive environment for foreign investment and free the country of dependence on global financial institutions.
The Prime Minister urged political leadership to show maturity and learn from history.
The leadership has to work collectively and pursue a national agenda to deliver on the economic front, he added.
He said no single party at this moment can get the country out of crisis and the government will continue to work on the 10 point agenda on which it negotiated with the PML-N for long hours.
The Prime Minister said that the political system was going through an evolution and was hopeful that democracy would continue to strengthen.
He said PPP will have no problem in sitting in opposition in Punjab as the PML-N is doing in the centre.
He assured that jobs would be given on merit and quota for the disabled would be ensured.
He said despite the sense of deprivation, people of Balochistan have given sacrifices for Pakistan. He appealed to the Baloch leaders to join hands with the PPP government to resolve issues.
Gilani said the next two years, the government would pay more attention to the welfare of people and more incentives like crop insurance, provision of fertilizer, seeds and pesticides would be given and international prices for agro products would be ensured for the agriculture sector,on which 70 per cent of the population depends.
Free seeds and fertilizer will be provided in the flood-hit areas, which is one-fourth of the country, he added.
He said scope of Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) would be expanded by giving health and life insurance and providing relief to  the vulnerable sections of society in electricity and gas bills.
The Prime Minister said Aghaz-e-Haqooq-e-Balochistan is a comprehensive package which will help lessen poverty and create job opportunities for people of the province as they will be given relaxation in age and qualification while applying for posts.

He said since the independnce, politicians were targeted on charges of corruption and this was made an excuse to topple governments of Benazir Bhutto,Nawaz Sharif and Muhammad Khan Junejo many times.     
He said the issue of corruption is being tackled by parliament, judiciary and media and through legislation.
The government provided a platform for its accountability by making the Opposition Leader in NA, Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee, he said.
Responding to queries of callers, he said problems of pensioners and government employees would be resolved and steps would be taken to keep prices under control. Minister, to another question, said that the present Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Ms. Hina Rabbani Khar is a capable minister as she had five years of experience in economic affairs, which is also related with foreign affairs.
Responding to a caller, who hailed Gilani as a soft-spoken leader, the Prime Minister said he was following his leadership and it was due to the policy of reconciliation, which he inherited from Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto, that despite not having majority in the parliament, the PPP succeeded in getting consensus approval of major legislation like the 18th and 19th Amendments and NFC Award.
About welcoming the unification bloc by the PML-N in Punjab, the Prime Minister said democracy is all about honoring each other’s mandate. Gilani, however, added as his personal opinion that “If I lose majority in Centre, I would prefer to sit in Opposition rather to engage in horse trading.”
 The Prime Minister said size of the cabinet was decreased to respect wishes of people and political leadership.
The cabinet will be expanded when he will deem it fit, he said adding the constitutional bar on cabinet size was not mandatory at this point.
Gilani said the ISI is a well established institution, and it is working with institutions of other countries and naturally has information about the foreigners in Pakistan.
He said the government informed the National Assembly about the foreigners in Pakistan.
The Prime Minister said  the PPP government is committed to the moral, political and diplomatic support for the cause of Kashmiris and will continue to implement development projects in Kashmir.
Gilani said the policy of reconciliation may be seen as a weakness,but PPP will continue it.
To a question, he informed that the PPP had implemented 80 per cent of its manifesto and said results of the by-elections are proof of its popularity among the masses.
Implementing its manifesto, the government had  reinstated and regularized thousands of employees sacked in the past, he told.
He said after the severe floods in Pakistan, the government undertook massive steps for relief and rehabilitation of people and reconstruction of livelihoods.
Relief camps were set up to provide food and basic facilities to people, leaders of different countries visited the camps, army and aid agencies worked fast and people were protected from epidemics, he added.
The Prime Minister said the rehabilitation phase would be undertaken on war footings in line with the damage assessment report presented by international financial institutions.
Discussing the challenges faced by Pakistan in the recent years, he said global recession, electricity shortage, floods and war on terrorism compounded problems for the government and put pressure on the economy.
He said the government ensured food security for citizens and due its policies exports, foreign remittances and foreign reserves had increased.
He was of the view that the government’s economic policies would create conducive environment for foreign investment and free the country of dependence on global financial institutions.
The Prime Minister urged political leadership to show maturity and learn from history.
The leadership has to work collectively and pursue a national agenda to deliver on the economic front, he added.
He said no single party at this moment can get the country out of crisis and the government will continue to work on the 10 point agenda on which it negotiated with the PML-N for long hours.
The Prime Minister said that the political system was going through an evolution and was hopeful that democracy would continue to strengthen.
He said PPP will have no problem in sitting in opposition in Punjab as the PML-N is doing in the centre.
He assured that jobs would be given on merit and quota for the disabled would be ensured.
He said despite the sense of deprivation, people of Balochistan have given sacrifices for Pakistan. He appealed to the Baloch leaders to join hands with the PPP government to resolve issues.
Gilani said the next two years, the government would pay more attention to the welfare of people and more incentives like crop insurance, provision of fertilizer, seeds and pesticides would be given and international prices for agro products would be ensured for the agriculture sector,on which 70 per cent of the population depends.
Free seeds and fertilizer will be provided in the flood-hit areas, which is one-fourth of the country, he added.
He said scope of Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) would be expanded by giving health and life insurance and providing relief to  the vulnerable sections of society in electricity and gas bills.
The Prime Minister said Aghaz-e-Haqooq-e-Balochistan is a comprehensive package which will help lessen poverty and create job opportunities for people of the province as they will be given relaxation in age and qualification while applying for posts.
He said since the independnce, politicians were targeted on charges of corruption and this was made an excuse to topple governments of Benazir Bhutto,Nawaz Sharif and Muhammad Khan Junejo many times.     
He said the issue of corruption is being tackled by parliament, judiciary and media and through legislation.
The government provided a platform for its accountability by making the Opposition Leader in NA, Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee, he said.
Responding to queries of callers, he said problems of pensioners and government employees would be resolved and steps would be taken to keep prices under control.