07-03-2011  13:38:54
Only parliament can rewrite constitution: Gilani
LAHORE, March 6 (APP): Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani said no institution other than parliament can rewrite the constitution.“The Constitution clearly determines the role of all state institutions which work within their ambit and are bound to follow the Constitution”, he said while talking to senior columnists at his residence here on Sunday.Renowned columnists from national dailies including Najam Sethi, Amjad Islam Amjad, Mustansar Hussain Tarar, Saleem Bokhari, Shahzad Ahmed, Bushra Ijaz, Abdul Qadir Hassan, Abbas Rashid, Azam Khalil, Qudratullah Ch, Muhammad Tufail and Ashraf Sharif met the Prime minister and discussed various issues currently faced the country at length.
The Prime Minister said that all institutions were passing through the process of evolution and they would identify their role with the passage of time.
“Soon after PPP came into power, the country was faced with multiple challenges like global recession, energy crisis, terrorism and floods which consumed energies of the  government,but we would overcome these challenges”, he asserted.
He said that he would invite all political parties to be on the same page on the security as well as economic issues, adding that he would take requisite initiatives to bring all religious as well as political parties on the table to discuss security challenges to the country.    
The Prime Minister said that the policy of reconciliation has played vital role in creating political harmony in the country and it helped in the passage of constitutional amendments including the 18th as well as 19th Amendments,and NFC Award, adding that efforts for political harmony would continue.
Regarding security issues, Gilani said that the government would not allow the misuse of any law which might undermine the constitutional rights of citizens or lead to injustice.
About Raymond Davis case, he said that the government would not take any decision against the dignity and sovereignty of the country.
Talking about the political turmoil in the Middle East and other countries,Gilani said, “The situation in the Middle East and North Africa cannot be compared with Pakistan. There is a constitution at work in Pakistan and a constitutional procedure to bring about a change.”
Regarding water dispute with India, he said that the issue would be resolved as per the Indus Basin Treaty, adding that Pakistan wanted to resolve unfinished agenda with India through dialogue.
He said that Diamir Bhasha Dam has been an outcome of consensus by all political forces and it was unanimously adopted by all provinces in the meeting of the Council of Common Interests (CCI), adding the government wanted to converse on all mega projects.
He said that the RGST had been introduced to expand the income tax base of the country, stressing that income above a certain limit has to be taxed,but it has to be done by the provinces since it has become a provincial subject after the passage of the 18th Amendment.
Regarding subsidy on petroleum products, the Prime Minister said that all the political parties must come up with their proposals to meet the deficit incurred through providing subsidy to the public on petroleum products.
He said that the government was restructuring the public- sector enterprises in order to strengthen the economy.     
He said that the government has received accolades as well as international recognition for it across the board, transparent financial assistance to the poor sections of society through Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP).
Gilani said that the government had launched poverty survey to collect data of the needy and this survey would be expanded to the rest of the country. He said that the government further planned to provide subsidy on gas and electricity to the poor besides launching health insurance for the deprived segments of society.
Regrading Pak-US relations, he said that he wanted US to adopt regional parity and extend equal status to Pakistan vis-a-vis other neighbouring states,stressing that discrimination leads to mistrust and misunderstanding.
He called upon the print as well as electronic media to play its role to create harmony among all segments of society by highlighting the cultural aspects of society.
The PM said that the current ups and downs were momentary, expressing the hope that all major issues would be resolved during his tenure and his government would set direction for the country for the future.