15-03-2011  12:50:28
Gilani rejects clash of State institutions
ISLAMABAD, Mar 14 (APP): Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani on Monday rejected any confrontation between State institutions saying the government was committed to “democracy and constitutionalism” and believes in sovereignty of Parliament and independence of Judiciary.“This Cabinet unanimously dispels the impression that our government is in any mood of confrontation with any state institution,” Prime Minister Gilani told the Federal Cabinet.
The Prime Minister said the government was functioning within the domain defined by the Constitution and fully respects decisions of the superior judiciary.
In this regard he mentioned that the Chief Justice of Pakistan endorsed these views in his remarks during the hearing of a case in which the government was a party.
He said an atmosphere of uncertainty was being created by certain quarters about the possibility of confrontation between the State institutions.
The Prime Minister cited that the Pakistan Peoples Party during its 40 years of struggle had stood for protection of State institutions and “will not in any way entangle and make intrusion in the ambit of any other State institution.”
He said the nation was horrified and shocked over the tragic broad day light murder of Shahbaz Bhatti.
“This brutal act of terror has not only tarnished the soft image of Pakistan but has seriously dented our agenda of creating interfaith harmony.”
Terming it “a national loss”, Gilani said investigation of the case will look into all aspects including the security lapses and those held responsible will not go unpunished.
He said it was the second targeted murder of a high profile colleague and asked the Interior Minister to identify loopholes in security arrangements and suggest corrective measures.
“Lapses should not be ignored and those held responsible for any slackness on their part be taken to task,” Gilani said.
Prime Minister Gilani also apprised the federal cabinet about his meeting with the US Representative on Afghanistan and Pakistan Marc Grossman.
“He was reminded that long term Pak-US relations cannot be adversely affected by isolated acts of individuals and the two countries should remain focused on eliminating the bane of extremism from this region,” the Prime Minister said.
Regarding the agenda Gilani informed the Cabinet about a number of Agreements and Memorandums of Understanding with friendly countries.
He said during the last three years many MoUs & Agreements have been signed, but pointed that the Ministries have been sending routine responses which were not reflective of the true spirit behind signing of these agreements.
“I feel that had these agreements been properly executed our economy, social sector as a whole and physical infrastructure would have significantly improved the enabling environment required for development in all spheres of life.”