20-03-2011  15:05:52
Pakistan committed to promote regional cooperation in SAARC countries: Gilani
ISLAMABAD, March 19 (APP): Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani Saturday said Pakistan along with other members of SAARC is committed to realize the full potential of regional cooperation. Speaking at a banquet hosted in honour of Prime Minister of Bhutan Lyonchhen Jigmi Yoezer Thinley and his entourage at Prime Minister House, he said, “Our region is rich in resources. We have huge talent. Our natural economic potentials, if exploited to serve our collective interests, could usher a new era of development and prosperity for the peoples of our region.”
He said during his visit to Bhutan for SAARC summit, the nobility, poise, calm, sophistication, dignity, national pride and purity of heart and soul of Bhutanese people left an ever lasting impression on him.
“Our respective peoples have enjoyed friendship and friendly civilizational interactions spanning several millenniums,” he said adding Pakistan’s Gandhara Heritage shaped ideas and outlook about life and humanity in multiple ways.
“Pakistan’s archaeological heritage; our museums and our culture and traditions are, no doubt, of considerable interest to the Bhutanese people. Swat is the birthplace of Guru Padma Sambhawa, who is also known as the Second Buddha,” he observed.
The Prime Minister said time has come to rediscover and revive the many bonds that join people of two countries together in terms of archaeology, history and culture for exchange of trade, ideas and knowledge.
Gilani praised Bhutanese King Jigme Singye Wangchuk for sagaciously ushering a democratic era in Bhutan.
He said Bhutan of today is a model for democracy and development for all states of the region.
“We hope that there would be opportunities for us to learn from your experiences and, in particular, imbibe the idea of Gross National Happiness Index,” he remarked.
In so many realms, the accumulated knowledge of the Bhutanese people would have a hugely beneficial impact for the people of the world, the Prime Minister said adding the Bhutanese traditional medicine and Bhutan government’s plans for expanding health care to every citizen deserve not only commendation but also hold the promise for others to learn from.
He expressed admiration for the contribution of the Bhutanese Prime Minister for taking forward the spirit of regional cooperation through the platform of SAARC.
Recalling his meeting with Prime Minister of India Manmohan Singh in Thimphu last year, he said Pakistan and India agreed that they need to resolve their issues through dialogue.
Pakistan wants to make meaningful progress in its talks with India, he stressed.
The Prime Minister expressed his determination to further expand the horizons of Pakistan’s cooperation with Bhutan.
“We would like to enhance leadership-level and Parliamentary exchanges and promote wide-ranging cooperation in education, environment, agriculture, trade, tourism and many other fields.”
In his remarks, Prime Minister of Bhutan Lyonchhen Jigmi Y.  Thinley said Bhutan values its relations with Pakistan and is looking to boost bilateral cooperation in multifarious areas.
Lauding Pakistan for facing difficult challenges with courage, he said Bhutan desires to work together with SAARC countries to take advantage from the benefits of regional cooperation.
He recalled that Pakistan and Bhutan had already worked jointly on issues like economy, commerce and climate change and this collaboration will continue in future as well for the mutual benefit of the people of two countries.
The Prime Minister expressed his satisfaction at the outcome of the discussions that he had with the Pakistani leadership during his visit.
Chairman Senate Farooq H. Naek, Federal ministers, members of parliament and notables from various walks of life attended the banquet.