23-03-2011  12:59:23
Gilani for projecting Pakistan ideology to counter extremism
ISLAMABAD, Mar 22 (APP): Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani has urged the nation to project the Pakistan ideology at every level as a counterweight to the forces of extremism. “Pakistan was achieved through a democratic struggle and it is our individual and collective responsibility to safeguard democracy and representative rule,” Prime Minister Gilani said in his message on the Pakistan Day.
Prime Minister Gilani said the Day reminds to introspect that whether the objective for which the Muslims of the sub-continent rendered immense sacrifices with their blood, were achieved or not.
He said today the nation is celebrating the 71st anniversary of the adoption of Pakistan Resolution passed on 23rd March, 1940 with traditional zeal and zest.
He recalled that on this historic day, the Muslims of the sub-continent gathered in Lahore under the inspiring leadership of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and adopted a Resolution, which changed the course of history.
Gilani said the Muslims ever since embarked on the arduous struggle for an independent state where the principles of social justice and equity could prevail and where they could live as free citizens in peace from within and without- in accordance with their religious beliefs, civilizational identity and cultural values.
The Prime Minister said Pakistan Resolution represented the beginning of a journey, which started from seeking right to separate electorate and ended on attaining the goal of self-determination.
He said important landmarks of history do not reach their culmination without leadership’s determination, consistency and sacrifice of the people.
He said the establishment of Pakistan is a living testimony to the Muslims’ commitment towards the cause of right to self-determination and willingness to go an extra mile for realization of their ideals.
Gilani said the Pakistan Resolution galvanized the people and marshaled them into a nation. Millions rallied under the flag of All-India Muslim League and demonstrated their willingness to spare no effort or sacrifice for the sake of independence.
He said within a short period of time, Pakistan became an established reality. The world was startled to see how people pulled themselves out of the darkness of political bondage and frustration into the dawn of freedom and gave direction to their quest for liberty.  
“The government remains committed to translating the dream of our founding fathers into reality,” he said. 
He mentioned various milestones achieved by the government including the passage of 18th and 19th Constitutional Amendments, NFC Award, strengthening of parliament and other state institutions and the Balochistan Initiative. He said these were geared towards strengthening the federation of Pakistan by removing the age-old deprivations of the federating units.
“We have founded a culture of reconciliation and dialogue to resolve the national issues in concurrence with all stakeholders,” he said.    
Gilani stressed for leaving no stone unturned to work for the betterment of Pakistan.
“We must reawaken the spirit, which characterized the 23rd of March 1940 to battle the daunting challenges including that of terrorism and extremism. I have complete trust in the ability of our people to rise to the occasion,” he said.
He urged the nation to dedicate themselves to the service and glory of their homeland.