04-04-2011  10:27:38
Govt carrying forward democratic vision of Shaheed Bhutto: PM
ISLAMABAD, April 3 (APP): Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani has said that the PPP government is carrying forward the vision of Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto for strengthening democracy, striving for the rights of citizens and service to people. “The beacon of democratic traditions, service to people and collective wisdom, lit by Bhutto Sahib was later carried forward by his daughter Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto. “And now we are continuing our journey in the guidance of that beacon,” Gilani said in his message on the occasion of 32nd martyrdom anniversary of the founder Chairman of Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP).              
The Prime Minister paid glowing tributes to Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto for his struggle and sacrifices for democracy and said “today in 1979, he embraced martyrdom in Rawalpindi jail, but did not bow before the dictatorship.
“He (Bhutto) set an excellent example of integrity, love for masses and nationalism, which has become a source of guidance not only for our countrymen but for all pro-democracy and pro- development people across the world”, he added.
The Prime Minister said Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto owing to his exceptional intelligence, God gifted talent, pro-development sense of feeling and active diplomacy earned such an image at international level, that would always remain there and to be remembered in the history.          
“It goes to his credit that he raised the voice of dissent against the dictatorship and paved the way for restoration of democracy in the country,” he added.      
The Prime Minister recalled that when Shaheed Bhutto took over the government responsibilities in 1971 after the PPP secured unprecedented victory in elections, the tragedy of East Pakistan had occurred and the country was facing serious difficulties and challenges at internal and external fronts.
“But Bhutto Sahib through great courage, far-sightedness and prudent approach made successful attempts to control the situation,” he added.
Prime Minister Gilani said that Shaheed Bhutto during his six years of rule (1971 to 1977) as President and Prime Minister served the country meritoriously.     
“During this period he gave the nation a consensus 1973 Constitution; got the Pakistani war prisoners and territory released from India; initiated Pakistan’s peaceful nuclear programme.”
He said the founding leader introduced agricultural, economic, educational and social reforms; made result-oriented efforts for the unity of Muslim Ummah; provided opportunities of development and prosperity to the downtrodden.
Gilani said he also ensured freedom of expression and citizens rights; established heavy industries; enforced Islamic laws; gave rights to minorities; and paved the way for country’s progress and prosperity by restoring national prestige.
In short, it can be said that Bhutto Sahib gave new courage, hope and  respect to a disappointed and problems- stricken nation, he added.
The Prime Minister recalled that after the 1976 elections in which the people reposed confidence in the leadership of Shaheed Bhutto with a thumping majority, the opposition rejected the election results and started an agitation campaign.     
“It is now no more a secret that under the garb of the agitation, those elements were active who were afraid of Bhutto’s popularity at international level and his revolutionary ideas”, he added.
The Prime Minister said,”Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, however, by utilizing his political acumen held successful negotiations with the opposition, but in the meantime when this development was being documented, martial law was imposed in the country by toppling his government.         
“Later on, Bhutto Sahib was arrested and involved in a murder case, which had already been disposed of after the due process of law and procedure”, he added.      
The Prime Minister said Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, being a strong believer of the supremacy and rule of law and constitution, faced the courts with peculiar determination and courage and did not leave the path of patience and tolerance at any stage.
“The treatment meted out to him in jail was incompatible to such a towering personality, but Bhutto Sahib braved the miseries, restrictions and difficulties with courage. He refused to bow before the dictatorship, oppressors and anti-people elements, and thus he made himself and his people proud for ever”, he added.
The Prime Minister said, “let us pledge on the occasion of the martyrdom anniversary of that great leader that we will continue to strive for strengthening of democracy in the country and for the rights of people and will make Pakistan a moderate, progressive and prosperous country.”        
“This is the path, by following which we can pay meaningful tribute to Zulfikar Ali Bhutto,” he added.