01-11-2010  19:23:55

European parliamentary delegation calls on PM 

ISLAMABAD, Nov 1 (APP): Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani on Monday said that European Union’s commitment to grant exclusive enhanced market access to Pakistan through reduction of duties on 75 Pakistani products, has generated hopes for a desire of long time engagement by the EU with Pakistan.He added that it has uplifted the business environment in the country.The Prime Minister was talking to Ms Jean Lambert, Member European Parliament, Chairperson, South Asia Delegation of the European Parliament who alongwith a delegation called on him here at the PM House on Monday.
The Prime Minister noted that Pakistan had accepted the EU’s Package of Trade Concessions for Pakistan since it was formulated by the European Commission in consultation with the European industrial sector.
He said Pakistan hopes that it would be cleared by the International Trade Committee of the European Parliament as any delay in its implementation would raise doubts among the people of Pakistan about EU’s commitment to help Pakistan in addressing its present challenges.
The Prime Minister added that the duration of the Package for three years i.e. from January 01, 2011 to December 31, 2013 would enable the investors to plan and expand their business relations with EU and place themselves in a position to benefit from the promised GSP Plus facility from 2014.
While reiterating Pakistan’s position for preference of trade rather than aid, he underscored the importance of the envisaged greater market access, that would facilitate the reopening of the closed textile industries in the flood affected areas of Pakistan and creation of new jobs.
The economic opportunities, he added, would be crucial for addressing the root causes of militancy and terrorism, as well.
The Prime Minister thanked Ms Jean Lambert for her and the delegation’s strong advocacy of Pakistan’s case in the European Parliament.
He expressed confidence that the delegation for South Asian countries in the European Parliament would continue to accord its full support to Pakistan in the future.
He also conveyed the gratitude of his government and the people of Pakistan over the timely and generous EU’s assistance package for the flood relief efforts as well as the EU plan to participate in the rehabilitation and reconstruction phases.
He said that his government was looking forward to EU High Representative of Foreign and Security Affairs Baroness Kethrine Ashton’s visit to Islamabad to participate in the Pakistan Development Forum’s meetings in the middle of this month during which Pakistan would share its economic development vision and the reconstruction plans for the flood affected areas.
The Prime Minister underlined the need for increased exchanges of Parliamentarians between EU and Pakistan to help create better understanding between the two sides of each other’s perspectives and point of view.
The Prime Minister noted with satisfaction that Pakistan - Afghanistan relations had seen significant warming up since the establishment of democratic government in Islamabad as Pakistan was ready to assist Afghanistan in every possible way.
He reiterated that the reconciliation and reintegration process in Afghanistan has to be Afghan owned and Pakistan would help only if asked for by the Afghan Government by sharing the outline of that process.
He said that Pakistan on its part remains committed to carrying on with the war against terrorism despite the heavy human and economic losses which have been eventuated by the recent floods.
Ms Jean Lambert while thanking the Prime Minister for sparing time to meet her and her colleagues Mr Thijs Berman, conveyed her commiserations on the devastation caused by the recent floods to the infrastructure and the set-back suffered by Pakistan’s economy.
She assured the Prime Minister that EU would remain steadfast in its support to help Pakistan overcome its present economic challenges and that Baroness Ashton would be coming to Pakistan Development Forum’s meetings with a Package of assistance towards that end.
She welcomed the idea of greater exchanges between the EU and Pakistani Parliamentarians by stating that European side would welcome any number of Parliamentary delegations from Pakistan to take the process of consultation on matters of mutual interests further and to address any possible misperceptions on both sides.
The delegation also assured the Prime Minister that Trade Concession Package for Pakistan will be passed quite easily by the European Parliament in the coming weeks alongwith the new assistance for Pakistan to help in rehabilitation and reconstruction phase.
Mr Jan Dekok, Ambassador and Head of EU Delegation in Islamabad, Minister of State for Finance and Economic Affairs Mrs Hina Rabbani Khar, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Nawabzada Malik Amad Khan, Senator Syeda Sughra Imam, Secretaries Foreign Affairs, Commerce and senior officials were also present in the meeting.