21-04-2011  11:38:07
Gilani directs for early completion of communication projects
ISLAMABAD, Apr 20 (APP): Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani on Wednesday directed Ministry of Communication and National Highway Authority (NHA) to prioritise projects according to strategic needs as well as availability of funds to ensure early completion of projects. The communication network, he added, brings people closer to each other, develops connectivity, generates economic activities and brings about socio-economic change.
The Prime Minister expressed these views while chairing a special meeting of the Ministry of Communication to review the projects and financial position of National Highway Authority (NHA) here at Prime Minister House.
He said communication projects are the most important development activities since these directly impact the development in all other fields.
The Prime Minister ordered that in wake of financial constraints further federalisation of communication projects be stopped forthwith till the completion of devolution process and allocations made to the provinces under the National Finance Commission Award.
The meeting decided that the NHA projects completed upto 60% in all the provinces, Gilgit Balistan and AJK will be given requisite funds in the next financial budget to ensure their timely completion.
The counterpart funding for foreign aided projects under NHA would be allocated committed funds in the next year’s budget.
The NHA projects under special packages for the backward areas of different provinces would be prioritized according to the needs of the people and accordingly proper allocation of funds would be made available in the next financial year.
The flood affected infrastructure particularly roads and bridges would be repaired at the earliest to ease the difficulties of the people in the flood affected areas.
The projects of repairs would be given preference in the reconstruction phase being funded through ADB.
The NHA roads and bridges linking different areas to mega energy projects would be given preference in allocation during the next financial year’s budget 2011-12.
As regards projects below 60% completion, projects yet to be awarded to contractors and the new planned projects, a Parliamentary Committee will review, analyse and prioritise these in accordance with the significance, needs of the people and availability of funds.
The Parliamentary Committee to be headed by the Minister of Communication will be constituted at the earliest and will include an elected representative from each province, Gilgit Baltistan and Azad Jammu and Kashmir.
The Prime Minister directed the Minister for Communication Dr.  Arbab Alamgir Khan to personally visit and see the rehabilitation and reconstruction work particularly repair of roads and bridges in the flood affected areas of all the provinces.
He also called upon all the elected members of the parliaments to personally see the progress of work on the ongoing NHA projects and give suggestions for their early completion.
He also stressed that the elected members need to determine the needs of their respective areas to help bring about socio-economic change in the lives of the people.
Earlier the Minister for Communication Dr. Arbab Alamgir apprised the Prime Minister on the functioning of the Ministry and the problems being faced due to paucity of funds in fulfilling the portfolio and responsibilities assigned to the Ministry.
The Secretary Communication through a detailed presentation briefed the Prime Minister on the progress of various communication projects under the NHA.
He also elaborated upon the financial position of NHA and the impact of budgetary cuts made on PSDP which caused delay in the completion of some ongoing projects.
He also highlighted the significance of various projects in different provinces and spelled out the financial requirements of NHA in the next financial year.
The meeting was attended by all the  federal secretaries concerned.