12-05-2011  12:16:46
Gilani asks political leaders to stand united to counter threats to country
ISLAMABAD, May 11 (APP): Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani on Wednesday urged political leaders from across the divide to stand united so as to face the serious challenges facing the country. “I warn you that the country has serious threats, and we must not give anyone a chance to destabilise the country,” Prime Minister told the Senate.
He said the political leaders might have their differences, but, across the world, they stand united on the issue of national foreign policy.
“Our responsibility towards this end should be more at this hour,” he said.
He said when it comes to the security, sovereignty, honour and dignity of the country there is none who is not sincere.
“Our methodology, strategy, approach might differ, but on the issue of national interests we are all one.”
Gilani said unless the institutions are strengthened, the country cannot strengthen. “If we have the country, every one can have his say, and if we do not have a country, no one would have any respect,” he said.
“I request you to stand united and give us a strategy on our national policy on security.”
Gilani said “Osama bin Laden was not a citizen of Pakistan, nor we own  him.”
“We will not allow our territory to be used for terrorism.”
Giving out the details of the happenings of the night the US military operation occurred in Abbotabad the Prime Minister said he received a call from the Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Pervaiz Kayani at 2 am at night and informed about the US helicopters.
Gilani said he telephoned Foreign Secretary Salman Bashir, who called the US ambassador in Pakistan Cameron Munter.
He said the COAS called him again and confirmed about the US operation.
Meanwhile US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton telephoned him and President Barack Obama talked to President Zardari.
The Prime Minister said a meeting was convened early in the morning and a it was decided to issue a statement from the Foreign Office.
He said the British Prime Minister David Cameron also telephoned him and acknowledged Pakistan’s contributions and assured of full cooperation.
The prime minister also mentioned the statements issued by the NATO and the European Union that recognised Pakistan’s role and contributions against terrorism.
He recalled his meeting with French President Nicholas Sarkozy, who called him a guarantor of democracy in Pakistan.
Prime Minister Gilani paid rich tributes to the 30,000 Pakistanis and the 5000 law enforcement personnel that lost their lives against terrorists.
“Their sacrifices would not go waste,” Gilani said.
Prime Minister Gilani said he has never differentiated between the treasury and the opposition benches and said he was even accused of favouring the opposition. He said special development packages have been announced for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan.
Gilani said he, as a Speaker, gave a ruling, for the first time in the history of the country, that development funds be distributed equally among the treasury and the opposition members.