03-06-2011  11:21:44
Govt ready to hold dialogue with militants: Gilani
ISLAMABAD, Jun 1 (APP): Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani Wednesday said the government is ready to hold dialogue with militants on condition that these elements decommission and surrender their weapons before the political agents of their areas. Speaking in a live programme “Prime Minister Online”, the Prime Minister said, “but if they (militants) will challenge writ of the government, target innocent people and attack cities, public property, installations, police stations and railways,  the government will take action against them.” To a question about reports of military operation in North Waziristan, he said,” We will think whether there is any need for it. We will not interfere in the matter unnecessarily.”
He said the government is not taking dictation from anybody for action in North Waziristan but it will take action when its writ is challenged.
“We are not fond of any military action and we want to have an exit strategy,” he added.
The Prime Minister said the government is following the policy of dialogue, development and deterrence to bring the militants into the national mainstream.
To a question about the upcoming federal budget, Gilani said, “Our effort this year will be to give  maximum relief to the people in the budget.”
He said the government wants to improve living standard of people, create jobs, check price hike and keep the economy growing.
He recalled that last year Rs. 280 billion were allocated for the development programme but Rs.100 billion were diverted due to flood relief and rehabilitation activities.
During next year, he said, the development programme of the government will be unprecedented and Rs. 730 billion will be allocated for the development projects.
This allocation will be besides the funds earmarked to build destroyed infrastructure in floods after completion of the damage needs assessment, he said adding the provinces will get maximum funds under the 7th National Finance Commission (NFC) award so that they can fully take part in the development activities.
To a question, the Prime Minister said it is not the role of everybody to put forth wrong figures about price hike and this job of analyzing inflationary trends should be left to the economists and financial experts.
He pointed that this is happening for the first time that prices of some items have come down before the announcement of the budget.
Oil prices in Pakistan rise in proportion to the increase in prices in the international oil market, he observed.
Prime Minister Gilani said when he assumed the charge of his ffice, the country was faced with the problems of terrorism and extremism.
The political leadership inside and outside the parliament unanimously passed a resolution against the threat of terrorism and vowed to take action against those who challenged writ of the government, he added.
The government is determined to take action against those who work against the sovereignty of Pakistan and it will not llow anybody to use its soil for the acts of terrorism, he said. Action will be taken against foreigners who are living uninvited in the ountry, he added.
“We will make Pakistan free of terrorism,” he said adding it is not in the ational interest to have sympathy for Osama bin Laden, who is responsible for he deaths of 36,000 citizens, 5,000 soldiers and injuries to thousands of people n acts of terrorism.
Answering live telephone calls of the people, the Prime Minister said armed orces, federal and provincial governments, intelligence agencies and
police are collectively responsible for fulfilling the primary duty of the state o protect life and property of the people.
The government is working to formulate a comprehensive strategy with input rom all the concerned, so that all the institutions complement efforts of each ther and share information to preempt terror acts and provide foolproof security, he added.
To a question about drone attacks, the Prime Minister said that these attacks are unacceptable,  as these are against Pakistan’s sovereignty, public opinion and the spirit of resolutions passed by the Parliament.
He said the government has raised the issue at all levels including at diplomatic level. He said that these attacks are counter productive as it affects Pakistan’s strategy against the war on terror.
The Prime Minister said that government separates the local ribes from the militants but the killing of innocent people in rone attacks allows militants to gain support of the locals and he Prime Minister said that the unilateral action of May 2 in which Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden was killed in Abbottabad was also unacceptable.
About the level of trust deficit in relations between Pakistan and USA after US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton’s visit to Pakistan, the Prime Minister said that both the countries have strategic partnership, adding, “there are ups and down in our relations”.
He said that relations with USA had been moving forward with mutual interest. He said that after Clinton’s visit CIA and ISI relations have been repaired.
Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani reiterated that Pakistan wanted good relations with the international community and particularly with its neighbours Afghanistan and India.
To a question about PML-N leader Nawaz Sharif’s lectioneering campaign, the Prime Minister said,”Forget about the id-term polls, we have been elected for five years and will omplete our term.” He said the political parties should repare themselves for the next general elections which will be held in 2013.
The Prime Minister said that the opposition including PML-N has a role for promotion of democracy in the country and “we have no objection to it”.
To a request of a caller for increase in pensions, the Prime Minister referred the matter to Pay and Pension Committee. The Prime Minister also referred the matter of another caller about residential plot to Ministry of Housing and Works and directed them to study the case.
To another question about water dispute with India, the Prime Minister said that the matter of Kishanganga dam is already subjudice.
About allocation of development funds to some particular areas, the Prime Minister said that development work is the responsibility of the government. He said that the government is focusing on those areas in its development schemes which were ignored in the past.   
The Prime Minister said that development funds to elected representatives are being given across the board.
The Prime Minister said the Mehran Naval base incident was a matter of concern for everybody and he went to Karachi, inspected the base, took briefing and met injured Jawans who were in high spirits.
Gilani said a departmental inquiry into the incident   is always held and after registration of FIR a Joint Investigation Team is also constituted  to probe the incident.
He said during meeting of the Defence Committee of the Cabinet (DCC), the naval chief suggested formation of an independent commission on the naval base incident. The commission can be formed after necessary consultation.
He said after acts of terrorism, the tendency is to point fingers inside the country or on outsiders but “I do not believe in it as before completion of investigation we should not jump to the conclusion.”
He said the cabinet has the collective responsibility to take decisions and the absence of a minister from a meeting for personal reasons is a non-issue and there is a need to show majority on national issues.
He said Defence Minister Ahmed Mukhtar is an honourable and broadminded person and he was taken on board on formation of coalition with the PML-Q.
The Defense Minister went abroad with his permission, he said adding he himself is now acting as Foreign Minister assisted by Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Hina Rabbani Khar.
To a question, the Prime Minister said the government is taking short, medium and long term steps to overcome energy shortage and last year 2000 megawatts were added to the national grid.
Projects of Diamer Bhasha dam, Thar coal, TAPI and CASA 1000 are also in the pipeline besides an agreement with Iran to meet energy demands of the country, he added.
He said that the provincial governments are also allowed to set up energy projects.
Gilani assured that the flood affectees will get the next installment of financial assistance of Rs.100,000 with the help of the World Bank and Friends of Democratic Pakistan (FODP) to revive their livelihoods.
He said the government will set up information technology centres and provide training and stipends to youth so that they can skilled base jobs.
The Prime Minister said the Musharraf regime could not appoint opposition leader for two years but his government immediately facilitated nomination of opposition leader and also made him Chairman of Public Accounts Committee.
He said he  honoured  the parliament with his presence and the parliament unanimously passed budgets, bills and 18th and 19th constitutional amendments in the last three years.