09-11-2010  21:07:35

Gilani directs Planning Commission to identify new avenues of resource generation 

ISLAMABAD, Nov 8 (APP): Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani Monday directed the Planning Commission to identify new avenues of resource generation for early rebuilding of damaged infrastructure and creation of livelihood opportunities for the flood affected people.Addressing the 3rd meeting of the Council of Common Interests (CCI) that focused mainly on issues related to rehabilitation and reconstruction of flood affected area Gilani said it would be a difficult task which should be met within a reasonable time of 2/3 years.Gilani said the next meeting of Pakistan Development Forum (PDF) has been scheduled in the second week of November and will focus on Pakistan’s future course of action viz-a-viz its development strategy in the wake of recent floods.
“We have determined our priorities and the same will be shared with our friends during the meeting,” the Prime Minister said.
Gilani said the government did not have the required infrastructure and other emergency relief equipments, to combat devastation of a magnitude which impacted 2 million people in 79 districts.
“We took up this challenge with resolve, sincerity and the will to serve the people.”
Gilani said he in his capacity as Prime Minister visited, almost every flood affected area to oversee the relief efforts, ensure timely distribution of goods and services and the provision of medical supplies.
“Most importantly, I wanted to boost up the morale of our people, and to share their burden in their hour of grief,” the Prime Minister told the CCI.
He said the Armed Forces and the Civil Administration were mobilized on a large scale and NDMA/PDMAs were nominated as focal relief agencies.
He said on the diplomatic front, the  United Nations Agencies, EU, OIC, USA, European Union, UK, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, China, Japan and many other friendly countries were requested to lend helping hand to Pakistan, who rose to the challenge, and for which they have earned our undying gratitude.
He said the response of the international community has been most encouraging and the high profile visits of dignitaries like UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, Prime Minister and first Lady of Turkey, Prince Talal of Saudi Arabia and Senator John Kerry were a testimony to the international community’s unflinching support to Pakistan and trust and faith in government’s ability to handle the crisis.
The Prime Minister said the United Nations issued a record two billion dollar emergency appeal for an urgent global response to the Pakistan floods, which went a long way in relieving the distressful situation.
He said the IMF has agreed to provide US $ 450 million as Budgetary Support, while the World Bank is inclined to fast track its share of US $ 1 billion on already committed projects. The United Nations has also contributed US $ 292 million. Similarly, Asian Development Bank has agreed to fast tracking a significant amount.
“Our focus is on getting additional monies or concessionary financing and our priority is to get funds into the hands of our citizens through the Watan Card mechanism.”
Gilani said during the relief operations over 1.3 million people were rescued by helicopters and boats by the rescue teams of Pakistan Army, Navy and Air Force. Their timely effort succeeded in saving many valuable lives from being lost in bigger scale.
He said the Ministry of Health took all possible measures for prevention of disease in the affected areas so that a possible human catastrophe could be averted. The National Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Network (NHEPRN) coordinated health interventions in the flood affected districts successfully, he added.
Gilani said the government was successful in realizing sufficient amount of funds and it was considered imperative to utilize these funds in an efficient and transparent manner.
He said various options were considered and after taking CCI into confidence, the government established National Oversight Disaster Management Council (NODMC) with people of repute and highest level of integrity.
Their nominations were made by the respective provinces and the Government of AJ&K and Gilgit-Baltistan, he added.
The Federal Government despite financial constraints has shared 50% of the cost of relief efforts being undertaken in the provinces.
He said so far 1.143 million Watan Cards have been issued while Rs. 19.259 billion have been disbursed.
To carry out the process of rehabilitation and reconstruction, Gilani said the government had requested the World Bank and Asian Development Bank to carry out a comprehensive Damages Need Assessment, report of which was also discussed in the meeting.
The CCI deliberated upon the scheduling of the 6th population and housing census and legislation regarding Special Economic Zones and Amendments in the NEPRA Act for strengthening the enforcement role of power sector regulator, which requires consensus decision making.
Earlier the CCI offered fateha for the departed souls of the two recent incidents of suicide attacks during Jumma Prayer in Darra Adamkhel and Karachi Plane Crash.
Gilani reiterated the resolve of the nation to have zero tolerance for the terrorists and pledge that heinous crimes like suicide attacks shall never demoralize the brave Pakistani nation.