11-11-2010  10:12:43

PM lauds UNESCAP role in helping regional countries in economic,social development

ISLAMABAD, Nov 10 (APP)- Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani on Wednesday said that Pakistan which has had a long association with the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific (UNESCAP), greatly values the important role that the Commission has been playing in helping the regional countries in sustainable economic and social development. The Prime Minister thanked ESCAP for sponsoring the High Level Expert Group Meeting which is being held in Islamabad with a view to enhancing Pakistan’s flood resiliency.
He also lauded ESCAP’s support in capacity building of Pakistan’s institutions as well as for its assistance in match making for private and public sector partnership.
The Prime Minister was talking to Dr. Noeleen Heyzer, Executive Secretary of the United Nations for Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific (UNESCAP), who along with her delegation called on him at the Prime Minister’s secretariat.
The Prime Minister conveyed his gratitude for UN Secretary General’s timely visit to Pakistan’s flood affected areas, his important role in sensitizing the world about the natural calamity which had afflicted huge devastation in the country and in generating resources to help Pakistan’s flood affected people.
The Prime Minister said that Pakistan’s economic institutions and systems were being strengthened to be able to sustain natural disasters of any nature in the future.
The Prime Minister apprised the Executive Secretary of his Government’s National Strategy for rehabilitation and reconstruction of flood affected areas and his economic vision for the future which will be presented during Pakistan Development Forum’s meeting to be held later this week.
The Prime Minister said that any assistance would be welcomed for implementation of his vision particularly for building regional connectivity through rail, road and ports as well as Pakistan’s endeavors for achieving the Millennium Development Goals in which ESCAP has a direct role.
The Prime Minister noted with satisfaction that Pakistan and Afghanistan had recently signed a Transit Trade Agreement which will pave the way for eventually connecting South Asia with the Central Asian States.
Prime Minister also referred to his initiative of starting freight trains from Pakistan through Iran to Turkey which with the planned improvement of railway tracks, would eventually be extended to Europe.
The Prime Minister also underlined the importance of energy corridors which in view of Pakistan’s current shortages of gas and oil, he said, were being given very high priority by his Government.
He expressed the hope that UNESCAP could facilitate materialization of his Government’s power and energy connectivity through promotion of private and public partnerships.
The Executive Secretary of UNESCAP Dr. Noeleen Heyzer, commended Pakistan’s leadership role in the UN, at the International fora and in UNESCAP. She went on to say that Pakistanis like Dr.  Nafeesa Sadiq, Dr. Mahboob ul Haq and one of his Pakistani predecessor Rafi Ahmed were her mentors and she had learned a lot through her interaction during her carrier with Pakistani professionals in the area of socio economic development.
Dr. Heyzer termed the devastation caused by the recent floods in Pakistan as enormous and assured the Prime Minister of her Organization’s complete support in building the capacity of Pakistan’s institutions to prevent such possibilities of damages in future.
She noted that Pakistan had established institutions and had introduced the social protection programmes. She said she had learned a lot and benefitted from Pakistan’s apt handling of disaster after 2005 earthquake while she tried to help the victims of cyclone “Nargis” in Myanmar.
The people of Pakistan have proved, she added, their resilience and had proved their strength in the past natural calamities. She expressed her confidence that Pakistan would reemerge from this latest natural disaster by further strengthening its institutions.
The Executive Secretary briefed the Prime Minister about UNESCAP’s functions and various programmes.
She assured him that her organization will expand its cooperation with Pakistan through regular workshops and seminars for human resource development in various areas one of which is being planned in next May for Solid Waste Management in small towns and cities of Pakistan.