15-07-2011  14:10:39
NCA vows to protect country’s strategic assets
ISLAMABAD, Jul 14 (APP): The country’s top national security forum Thursday while vowing to pursue the policy of credible minimum deterrence expressed confidence in the operational readiness of Pakistan’s strategic weapons. The meeting of the 19th meeting of the National Command Authority (NCA), chaired here by Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani reviewed issues of national importance and developments in the regional and global security environment.
The NCA expressed satisfaction at the security and safety of Pakistan’s strategic programmes and facilities, besides approving the country’s Space Programme - 2040 to bring the benefits of the full spectrum of space technology to the people of Pakistan.
Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani in his statement expressed his government’s firm resolve to protect the country’s strategic and nuclear assets at all costs.
He pointed to a number of challenges, the country was facing due to the global political and security trends and said “Our detractors are working over time to malign Pakistan as well as our nuclear and strategic assets.”
Gilani said his government remains firm in its resolve to tide over these challenges.
“Promoting and protecting national interests of Pakistan is a sacred responsibility and we will never fail in this noble duty,” he said.
The meeting attended by the Ministers of Defence, Interior, Finance and the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee and the three Services Chiefs discussed in detail all aspects of the challenges facing the country.
The prime minister said the recent incidents in Abbottabad and Mehran base had raised concerns on the safety and security of the country’s strategic assets.
He pointed to the simultaneous propaganda onslaught against Pakistan and its nuclear programme.
“Such baseless, and certainly motivated, campaign against Pakistan will neither deter us from proceeding ahead sure - footed with our strategic programme nor succeed in undermining our national will.”
He said the strategic programme forms the core of Pakistan’s national security paradigm.
The Pakistan Armed Forces, and in fact the whole nation, takes its responsibility for national defence as a sacred duty. No one should ever under estimate our capability and resolve in this regard.
He said concerns have also been expressed internationally over potential threats from non-state actors to the security of strategic assets and facilities. While media reports have speculated on the possibility of sabotage and existence of contingency plans to take over Pakistan’s nuclear assets.
“Any such nefarious designs shall be thwarted effectively by the armed forces with full support of the people of Pakistan.”
The Prime Minister also pointed to the several developments that have taken place at the national, regional and international levels in the last few months.
Referring to the blasts in Mumbai on Wednesday Gilani expressed his sympathies and condolences on the loss of lives and said Pakistan has already condemned the blasts.
“The President of Pakistan and I have also conveyed our deepest sympathies to the Indian leadership. Such incidents only confirm our resolve to work together for the elimination of the menace of terrorism in the region.”
Gilani said “Pakistan is a responsible nuclear weapon state and we take this responsibility seriously.”
“Pakistan’s strategic programme and assets are a sacred trust.
They represent cumulative excellence and devotion of our scientists, engineers and professionals.
Safeguarding these assets is a national duty that we shall perform with full determination and unity.”
He said Pakistan’s strategic programme was for national defence and deterrence.
“We have not, and will never pursue an aggressive nuclear posturing or misadventure,” Gilani said.
“At the same time, we will take all necessary measures to ensure the reliability and credibility of our minimum nuclear deterrence.”
Gilani also strongly rejected “policies of discrimination and selectivity,” which he said were not only inimical to Pakistan’s national interests but were also not doing any service to the realization of non proliferation goals.
He said socio-economic development of Pakistan was the top priority of the democratic government and added that clean and sustainable energy was a key ingredient to achieve this objective.
He said over the years, Pakistan has developed the expertise and the infrastructure to undertake nuclear power generation projects.
Gilani recalled that he recently inaugurated the Chashma-II power plant that added 325 Mega Watts to the national energy grid.
He said as the country was moving towards building more reactors, as part of its nuclear power programme-2050, the Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority and the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission have done commendable work in ensuring that country’s nuclear power plants were operating in a safe and secure manner.
“We would continue to adhere to the highest safety standards on the basis of global best practices,” Gilani added.
He said space science holds immense potential to contribute to the socio-economic advancement of societies and states.
It was also a matter of great satisfaction that Pakistan has developed a sound space faring capability.
“We must endeavour to bring benefits of full spectrum of space technology to the people of Pakistan,” and said he looked forward to the briefing on Pakistan’s Space Programme 2040.
The NCA in its deliberations comprehensively undertook a detailed appraisal of the international and regional trends and policies and their implications for Pakistan.
The meeting expressed concern over the continued pursuit of policies that detract from the globally shared norms and rules of equality, inclusiveness and objectivity.
The NCA cautioned that such policies represent regression in the non-proliferation regime and tend to erode the strategic balance in South Asia.
“Pakistan would continue to take appropriate counter measures to ensure its security and to maintain regional stability.”
The National Command Authority reiterated Pakistan’s desire to constructively contribute to the realization of a world free of nuclear weapons and to the goals of non-proliferation on the basis of equality and partnership with the international community. It added that Pakistan was keen to join the four export control arrangements.
Reaffirming the importance of nuclear safety, the NCA noted with satisfaction the recent safety review of the existing and planned civil nuclear facilities by the Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority (PNRA).
The NCA directed the PNRA and the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) to continue to ensure that the national programmes conform to the highest levels of safety and international best practices.
It expressed confidence in the institutionalized Command and Control System and comprehensive measures put in place to ensure reliability and security of strategic assets.
“The NCA underlined that the government and the people of Pakistan stood solidly behind the country’s nuclear and missile programmes, which would be pursued to maintain effective, reliable and credible deterrence capability, and all attempts to undermine this capability would be thwarted with full force.”
As part of the energy security strategy, the NCA also reviewed and approved the futuristic, self-sustaining Nuclear Power Programme - 2050, to meet the existing energy shortfalls and to respond to the future requirements of a growing population and economy. The NCA emphasized the need to focus on socio-economic development of the people as a foremost priority.