14-09-2011  17:21:07
Gilani, Rahimi vow to build comprehensive strategic Pak-Iran partnership
By Munir Hussain
TEHRAN, Sept 12 (APP): Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani and Iranian First Vice President Mohammad Reza Rahimi on Monday pledged to deepen bilateral ties in multifarious fields and speed up work on the ongoing joint projects.The two leaders first held a separate meeting at the President House here which was followed by delegation level talks.The two sides exchanged views on bilateral, regional and international issues of mutual interest.They held detailed discussion on promoting cooperation in the fields of infrastructure, energy, banking, trade, agriculture, education and oil and gas.Minister for Foreign Affairs Hina Rabbani Khar, Minister for Technical and Professional Training Riaz Hussain Pirzada, Minister for Textile Industry Makhdoom Shahabuddin and Senator Sughra Imam, who accompanied the Prime Minister, attended the delegation level talks.
Gilani and Rahimi agreed that it was in the vital interest of both the countries to keep the region peaceful and stable.
Prime Minister Gilani said Pakistan supported Afghanistan’s reconciliation process. Pakistan was ready to provide all help in capacity building of institutions in Afghanistan, he added.
The Prime Minister told the Iranian delegation about the conducive atmosphere in Pakistan for foreign investors and the government’s incentive driven economic policies to attract investment in diverse fields.
He urged that the Iranian investors should take advantage of Pakistan’s vast market, skilled labour force and abundance of natural resources and set up joint ventures with Pakistani businessmen.
The Iranian Vice President said that Iran considered Pakistan an important country and gave immense importance to relations with its neighbour.
“Iran desires to improve its bilateral relations with Pakistan,” he said and added that the friendship of two countries goes back to many decades.
Rahimi underlined the need for both the countries to transform their fraternal ties into broad ranging economic and commercial ties.
The Iranian Vice President appreciated the role Pakistan was playing in promoting regional peace and its keen interest in furthering cooperative ties.
The two sides underscored the need for frequent consultations and taking of pragmatic steps to stop spread of terrorism and extremism.
They called for the need to fast-track implementation of the $ 7.5 billion Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline project which is expected to be completed by mid 2014.
It was decided in the meeting that Iran will increase its imports from Pakistan to improve trade balance between the two countries.
The two leaders agreed to create broader markets as a measure to enhance trade. It was decided to introduce a mechanism to simplify the procedure of customs pertaining to transit trade.
Earlier, the Prime Minister was received at a formal welcome ceremony by the Iranian First Vice President.
As the Prime Minister came to the dais with his host, national anthems of the two countries were played.
Afterwards a contingent of Iranian armed forces presented guard of honour to the visiting dignitary and the two leaders were introduced to the other country’s delegation.
Prime Minister Gilani extended an invitation to the Iranian First Vice President to visit Pakistan at his convenience.