02-12-2010  22:29:41
Govt enjoys good ties with MQM: Rehman       
KARACHI, Dec 2 (APP): Interior Minister Rehman Malik has said that present government was enjoying good relations with the Mutehida Quami Movement (MQM).This he stated while talking to mediamen on arrival at Karachi Airport on Thursday.Malik further stated that the government was open to talks with all the parties of Balochistan to bring peace in that province.“We have good ties with the MQM and the government has vowed to crack down on terrorists come what may,” he remarked.Responding to a question about the situation in Balochistan, Interior Minister said that government was open to talks with all the parties to bring peace in the province.
“Let us go to Quetta, Turbat or Mand, we are ready for negotiations to meet their genuine demands, but we will not talk to people who indulged in desecration of our national flag,” he said.
To a question about the disclosures made by website WikiLeaks, he declined to comment on it and added that those reports were mere leaks and have no authenticity.
“WikiLeaks disclosures are just leaks and we do not believe in them,” he added. 

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