21-12-2010  19:28:27
Difference of opinion beauty of democracy: Rehman Malik       
ISLAMABAD, Dec 20 (APP):Interior Minister Rehman Malik said on Monday that difference of opinion is the beauty of democracy.“Difference of opinion is the beauty of democracy,” Rehman Malik told reporters outside the parliament house adding the JUI-F was coalition partner of PPP and it will remain the government in future.However, he did not  disclose details of talks being held with JUI-F.He said PPP government wants to continue its policy of reconciliation adding his party wanted the democratic process to move forward and that it was the collective responsibility of all political parties to put the country on path to progress and prosperity.To a question the Minister termed the meeting with MQM delegation “fruitful” adding that he was admirer of Altaf Hussain due to his political wisdom. 

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