01-03-2011  13:41:18
Zero target killings in Karachi: Malik
KARACHI, Feb 28 (APP): Interior Minister A. Rehman Malik said Monday that the incidents of target killings have reduced to “zero” in the city.He was talking to media after attending the meeting on law and order chaired by President Asif Ali Zardari at Bilawal House. He said that the President was briefed by  Home Minister Dr. Zulfiqar Mirza on the overall law and order situation in the province.He said that by the Grace of Allah Almighty, the crime has been controlled to a large extent in the province.He said the President has asked Sindh government to enhance benefits for the martyrs of police force in the province and also provide them comprehensive insurance cover.
Responding to a question, he said that Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) has strong pockets in two districts of Balochistan and they enter Afghanistan territory after kidnapping people. “We need to work to control their criminal activities”, he added.
Replying to a question regarding PML (N) move in Punjab, Malik said that the government does  not want a bickering at this crucial juncture when the country needed political harmony.
He said that “Charter of Democracy is a document for friendship” and a document to take us to  the right path and path of reconciliation.    
He said that two major political parties have signed this document. “We should not politicise national issues. We need to let friendship and democracy  flourish in the country,” he noted.
Malik suggested the PML (N) not to exploit CoD for their own interest and instead  utilise this document  as a  guide.
He pointed out that this is the only government, taking measures for the eradication of corruption in the country. “We have arrested at least 60 people under the anti-corruption drive of FIA in the country.” We are not publicising this drive, he added.
He said that this issue needed support from every party and everybody has to play its role to address this menace.
To a question, he said that MQM was emerging as a national party as they are opening offices in every part of the country.

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