02-03-2011  17:41:11
Govt to complete its term: Rehman Malik
KARACHI, March 1 (APP): Federal Interior Minister, A. Rehman Malik has said that the present government and the Prime Minister will complete their tenure.He was talking to media at Jinnah International Airport after his arrival here on Tuesday.Rehman Malik said that we do not want to destabilise the government of Punjab.“We want to move forward with the democracy” because destabilising any government is not in favour of democracy,the Federal Interior Minister added.
He told a questioner that “we do not want confrontation with anyone” and that the Governor of Punjab has signed the summary regarding PPP-associated Ministers of Punjab.
To a question, he said 3-day deadline has been given by the MQM on the matter of increase in petroleum prices and three days are enough and we will talk about it.

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