12-03-2011  15:22:48
Rehman Malik calls for unity to combat terrorism
LONDON, Mar 12 (APP)- Federal Interior Minister Rehman Malik has called for national unity and cohesion to counter the threat posed by terrorism and extremism and blamed foreign elements behind unrest in Pakistan.Addressing community meeting at Pakistan High Commission here on Friday evening, he said the Government was determined to defeat terrorism at all cost.He said the Government has enough intelligence to suggest nexus between Al-Qaeda, Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi for fomenting trouble in Pakistan through terrorist activities.Pakistan High Commissioner to the United Kingdom Wajid Shamsul Hasan was also present on the occasion.
The  Minister who has now concluded his official two-day visit to the United Kingdom, said these organisations are attempting to create a religion divide to stoke up fires and further their subversive activities.
He appealed to the political parties to rise above political gains and forged unity to overcome the threat posed by the terrorists.
The Minister also made a fervent appeal to expatriate Pakistanis to send their remittances through legal channels instead of hawala to help improve the national economy.
He said the Government has launched Pakistan Remittance Initiative (PRI) for sending money to Pakistan through the legal channels. PRI, he pointed out, has been formed not only to help remit money in a fast free and convenient manner but also in a way that benefit’s the country.
Malik said through this channel, the overseas Pakistanis could boost the remittances to US $ 20 billion annually that in turn would not necessitate the need to seek loans from IMF.
Referring to the working of the law enforcing agencies, the Interior Minister said the Government was endeavouring to improve their capacities and capabilities to meet the present security challenges.
The meeting was observed one minute silence in the memory of the assassinated Minorities Minister Shahbaz Bhatti.
Responding to questions, the Minister said the Government plans to establish as many as eight Nadra and Passport offices in the UK to facilitate the Pakistani community for the issuance of Machine Readable Passports.
The Interior Minister also stated that Government was gradually introducing e-governance to eliminate  corruption, enlarge taxation base and improve revenue record.
About Raymond Davis, he said the Government would respect the verdict of the court.

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