16-04-2011  10:49:49
24 scanners being procured to install at cities’s entry points: Rehman Malik
ISLAMABAD, April 15 (APP)  - Interior Minister Rehman Malik on Friday apprised the Lower House of the Parliament that 24 special scanners were being procured for instalation at entry points of all the big cities of the country to curb the menace of terrorism.During the question-hour session, he said two scanners, out of 24, had been received and “We keep on changing their location of installation to yield better results.”Under an agreement, China is providing Vehicle X-Ray Inspection System (NVIS) through a Chinese Concessional loan facility.
The Minister said that the scanners would be installed in big cities of the country in consultation with Chief Ministers of all the four provinces.
Replying to a question, Malik said the rays of scanners had no negative impact on human health.
He appreciated the role of law enforcement agencies in stopping the incidents of terrorism despite facing serious threats.

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