18-05-2011  13:15:46
Malik assures maximum security, cooperation to charity organizations
ISLAMABAD, May 17 (APP): Interior Minister Rehman Malik Tuesday assured full cooperation of the government and maximum security to officials and workers of international and national charity organizations in Pakistan.Addressing the inaugural session of National Conference 2011 on “Mega Disasters of Pakistan Lessons learnt- way forward” here at the office of Pakistan Red Crescent, he recalled and appreciated the relief activities of international and national NGOs during 2005 earthquake and recent devastating floods in Pakistan and said that they performed the services in dangerous areas with courage and determination.He said anti state elements and terrorists wanted to create panic and unrest in the society by carrying out terrorist activities just to destabilize the country.
He said the terrorists also attacked workers of international and national NGOs for their ulterior motives. “These people are mercenaries and not well-wishers of Islam, Pakistan or humanities,” he added.
Malik said the government is committed to wipe out terrorism and extremism in all its forms and manifestation adding Pakistan has rendered great sacrifices in the war on terror.
Earlier, he called for chalking out a comprehensive strategy to cope with natural calamities. The civil societies should help the government in finalizing SOPs with regard to natural calamities, he added.
Federal Minister for Interior said that Red Crescent Society (RCS) has played an important role in the process of rehabilitation of Pakistani people after every disaster including earthquake of 2005, IDPs’ issue and the floods of 2010.
Talking to the media after chairing the National Conference 2011 he said that during the recent disastrous floods in the country Red Crescent Society provided relief to over 5000 families and medical aid to about 200,000 people, which was a great contribution.
Keeping in view the problems including the security and extension of visas of the Red Crescent workers the minister announced to extend their visas and provide them necessary security and protection.
He said that the Pakistani missions would be asked to give visa for three months to workers of relief organizations after fulfilling the criteria.

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