05-06-2011  11:08:46

SC judge to probe Saleem Shahzad’s assassination: Malik
ISLAMABAD, June 4 (APP): Interior Minister Rehman Malik on Satyrday said that a sitting Supreme Court judge would probe the assassination of Saleem Shahzad.Talking to APP, Rehman Malik said that “the government will announce the constitution of inquiry commission within two days as the summary in this regard has already been moved.”The Interior Minister said that the people involved in the killing of Saleem Shahzad would be brought to justice soon.
He said that during the budget speech of Federal Finance Minister, the attitude of opposition was uncivilized.
Malik said that the budget was friendly and provided relief to the common man. He said that the government employees were given 15 per cent raise in salaries.
He said that the Supreme Court’s order in loan write-off case and “constitution of a commission” in that regard were good developments for the country.
To a question he said that the Pakistan People Party would complete its five-year term. 


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