09-06-2011  11:48:18
Community policing good concept to effectively meet law & order challenges: Rehman Malik
ISLAMABAD, Jun 8 (APP): Minister for Interior, Rehman Malik on Wednesday said the community policing is a good concept which  would help effectively meet law and order challenges being faced by the country.He said community policing is a system where police and people cooperate each other in controlling the crimes and through joint efforts help improve the security situation.At a ceremony held here to inaugurate the community policing system in Federal Capital, Rehman Malik said this was a good initiative that members of civil society, especially youth are being engaged so that they could play a proactive role in assisting the law enforcers and encourage them in challenging times.
Senator Babar Awan, Inspector General Police, Islamabad, Wajid Ali Khan Durrani, DIG (Operation) Bani Amin, Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Islamabad, Tahir Alam Khan and a large number of civil society members attended the function.
He also cited examples of different countries that had been successful in improving their law and order situation by adopting the measure like community policing.
Enumerating the other measures being adopted to improve security in the Capital, the Minister said he has directed the Inspector General Police, Islamabad to induct 50 persons for Community Intelligence Service.
He said as per directives of President and Prime Minister, 32,000 persons would be imparted training for civil defence so that they could help the people in time any emergency. 
Moreover, he also announced restoration of community based Chokidari System, adding this system, once was quite beneficial for better security, would also be implemented in other parts of the country.
The Minister said, besides other challenges, Pakistan is facing security and power shortage and added he has planned to take action against power thieves which would help save 25 per cent power for the national grid.
In his address, Senator Babar Awan highlighted the importance of community policing system and said without people’s support, police cannot control crimes and succeed in improving law and order situation.
He said people of Pakistan should not worry as the political and military leaderships are capable enough to safeguard the nuclear assets, boundaries of the country and make Pakistan a prosperous and developed state.
Pakistan is a country which has talented and efficient population who knows how to sacrifice and how to defend the motherland, he added.
In his welcome address, IGP Islamabad said people and police would work together to make the surroundings safe and secure.
He also mentioned of conducting some surveys of those people living in rented houses and added the third survey in this regard would soon be completed and sought public cooperation for the purposeOn the occasion, SSP Islamabad highlighted the salient features of the community policing system.

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