12-06-2011  11:28:32
Pakistan, Afghanistan agree to set up joint task force
ISLAMABAD, June 11 (APP): Interior ministers of Pakistan and Afghanistan on Saturday agreed to set up a joint task force on the Pak-Afghan border. Interior Minister A. Rehman Malik and his Afghan Counterpart Lt Gen Bismillah Khan Muhammadi, while addressing a press conference, said the Bio-Metric system would start operating within three weeks on the Pak-Afghan border. They said that both the countries had agreed on better arrangements,  including intelligence sharing and good relations between the two countries.
They also welcomed the statement of Jamiat-e-Ulema Islam (JUI-F) chief Mualana Fazl-ur-Rehman regarding the talks of Afghan Peace Commission with Taliban.
Earlier, the Afghan Interior Minister called on Rehman Malik and discussed issues of mutual interests, including visa exemptions. 
Rehman Malik said that Pakistan gave importance to its relations with  Afghanistan.
On arrival, the Afghan Minister was warmly received by Rehman Malik  and was presented guard of honour.

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