24-07-2011  14:14:33
Coordinated efforts required to combat terrorism in SAARC region: Rehman Malik
THIMPHU, Bhutan, Jul 23 (APP): Minister for Interior, Rehman Malik on Saturday emphasized coordinated and concerted efforts to combat terrorism and money laundering, saying Pakistan was making serious endeavours to eliminate them from the society. The Minister expressed these views while addressing the fourth South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) Interior Ministers’ Conference, held here in Bhutanese Capital from July 21-23. Rehman Malik, who was chairing the Conference, suggested that there is need for constitution of a SAARCPol on the pattern of Interpol.
He said there was also need of a SAARC Commission with the objective to promote harmony and at the same time a joint Task Force need to be formed to control incidents of pirates in Indian Ocean.
The Minister said Pakistan, its people and armed forces had offered great services and sacrifices in the war against terrorism and to prevent the terrorists from fanning out to other parts of the country as well as the whole region. The war against terrorism would continue till its elimination, he added.
“Pakistani people are suffering due to terrorism for the last 10 years. We experienced 7,485 bomb explosions out of which 3,800 were suicide bombings. More than 35,000 innocent Pakistanis have lost their precious lives in the war against terror,” he added.
The Minister said after 9/11 Pakistan had paid a heavy price as people were facing incidents of 9/11 and Mumbai each and every day, adding that such incidents could not weaken the morale of Pakistanis, who were committed to eliminate the menace.
Rehman Malik said Pakistan has adopted three-D policy to combat terrorism and added “we have further improved rules and regulations regarding border control and immigration in the country.”
He said in addition to amendments in Anti-terrorism Act, the security forces in Pakistan were being equipped with modern gadgets and they were being imparted training to further improve their performance.
“It is important to introduce philosophy of inter-faith harmony. I appreciate King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia who took forward this philosophy. Exploitation within the religion must end.  We can also adopt that philosophy for SAARC too because most of the countries of this region were suffering,” he added.
The Minister also lauded Bhutan which followed the idea of Gross National Product (GNP) to provide basic facilities to its nation.
The Minister further informed that Pakistan has imposed ban on activities of 31 organisations as part of its policy to combat terrorism and extremism and emphasized to bring change in mindset of people to control terrorism.
“It is very crucial time as people are suffering especially due to terrorism. The whole region of SAARC is suffering from it.  Some are suffering heavily while some comparatively less,” he said.
The Interior Ministers of SAARC region appreciated the address of Rehman Malik, in which he ably highlighted the efforts of Pakistan in the war against terrorism and extremism.
Home and Interior Ministers, Secretaries and other relevant officials of SAARC including Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, the Maldives, Nepal and Sri Lanka attended the Conference.

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