04-09-2011  12:05:33
Target killers to be presented before media next week: Malik
KARACHI, Sept 2 (APP): Interior Minister Rehman Malik has said that the government will expose the arrested alleged target killers before the media next week to fulfill its commitment. “We do not want to lose our credibility and would definitely bring the killers before the media,” he said while talking to media at the Awami National Party (ANP) Sindh’s Mardan House after meeting ANP Sindh President Shahi Syed on Friday. The Interior Minister said that the President and the Prime Minister have given special directives to control law and order and take action across the board without any discrimination.  “Targeted action is being taken on intelligence reports,” he maintained.
Referring to the obstacles in investigations and court proceedings, Malik said that draft amendment has been sent to the Law Ministry to activate the electronic evidence as there remain lacunas which are all time-tested and need necessary amendments under the current circumstances.
Rehman Malik said that severals of the alleged killers feared for their lives and their family members due to threats and expressed the determination to crush the terrorists with the joint help of the Police, Rangers and intelligence agencies.
“Public also needs to provide information about the suspects,” he added.
Earlier, Shahi Syed said that their leadership has conveyed its message and cooperation to the government with the hope that action will be taken against the criminals without any discrimination.

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