11-09-2011  12:12:15
Malik orders strict check on foreigners
QUETTA, Sept 10 (APP) - The Interior Minister Rehman Malik has issued directives to the officials concerned to monitor the foreigners including Afghans entering in Pakistan without having the legal documents.  The Immigration Counters’ are being established at the all borders of the country to keep check on the illegal cross border movements. He also called for firm coordination between the National Database and Registration Authority and the security forces to track the anti-peace elements down.
He was chairing a law and order meeting and later addressing a press conference here at the CM secretariat on Saturday.
“Those Afghans living in any part of Pakistan should get themselves registered with NADRA within  one month, he said and warned that they would be arrested and deported if they did not comply with the orders of the ministry. 
 Expressing displeasure over the ongoing spate of terrorism across the country particularly in Balochistan he said that prevailing law and order situation has coerced us to review our strategy and take adequate measures for curbing crimes by keeping check on the Afghans and other foreigners who entered  Pakistan through the porous border.
 The Immigration Counters would start functioning till the end of this month, Malik said adding the border forces have been asked to increase surveillance at the border areas so that the cross border illegal movement from these areas be controlled effectively.
The meeting was attended by Chief Secretary Balochistan, Home Secretary Balochistan, IG Police, IG Frontier Corps, General Manager NADRA and others.
 Replying to a question, Malik said the situation in Balochistan has improved greatly after Brahmdagh Bugti, has left Afghanistan.
 He requested the disgruntled Balochs to throw down arms and join  the national mainstream politics. He also offered jobs for those Balochs who shun violence.
The Minister directed the Police to ensure the security of the lives of the citizens by establishing specific entry and exit points in Quetta city.
Mr. Malik also directed the General Manager NADRA to improve his organization’s coordination with the state security agencies in order to help trace the terrorists through their bio data.
The NADRA would provide to the security forces any information and record that may help in trapping the terrorists and other criminals. Besides, NADRA would develop a mechanism for the registration of people who go to or come from Afghanistan and the unregistered travellers would be arrested and dealt with according to the law of the land, he maintained.
The GM NADRA was directed to raise immediately a special task force with the mandate to conduct strict and targeted physical verifications of the CNIC holders in Balochistan.
 The only mission of the TTP is to destabilize Pakistan, he said. “The nation never needed as much unity as they need now. Therefore, we should fight our enemies with unity” Mr. Malik said.
 He appreciated the services of the security forces which have rendered sacrifices for the country.

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