28-09-2011  17:56:02
Pakistan won’t allow anyone to use its soil against China: Malik
ISLAMABAD, Sept 27 (APP) - Minister for Interior Rehman Malik said Tuesday that Pakistan will never allow anyone to use its land against China and it will fully cooperate to root out the scourge of terrorism. He was talking to media persons after seeing off Chinese Vice Premier Meng Jianzhu on the conclusion of his two-day visit to Pakistan at Chaklala Airbase.
The minister said that there is no scope for presence of East Turkmenistan movement and Uzbek Movement in the region and terrorists belonging to these movements would be dealt with an iron hand.
 Rehman  Malik said that the visit of Chinese vice prime minister was very important and Pakistan has great respect for China.
 He said that China has made it clear that it will never leave Pakistan alone and entire Pakistani nation was thankful for this gesture. He said that both President and Prime Minister have thanked China for its unflinching support for Pakistan.
 Rehman Malik informed the media that during his meeting with Chinese leader matters related to regional security and bilateral interests came under discussion and he was assured that Islamabad will never allow anyone to use its soil against Beijing.
 Earlier when the Chinese Vice Prime Minister left for China after completion of his two-day official visit, he was seen off by Interior Minster Rehman Malik and senior officials of the ministry.
 Pakistan’s ambassador to China Masood Khan and Chinese ambassador to Pakistan Liu Jian were also present on the airbase.

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