09-10-2011  17:48:02
PML(N) trying to divert attention from Dengue epidemic: Rehman Malik
ISLAMABAD, Oct 5 (APP): Minister for Interior Rehman Malik said Wednesday the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) is diverting people’s attention from its failure to overcome Dengue virus through protests.Addressing media persons outside the Parliament, the minister said the Punjab government was needed to investigate use of water spray carried out in the province for eliminating Dengue virus which had been claiming lives each day.
He said in Islamabad genuine steps were taken to prevent the epidemic but in Punjab it was growing as a result of poor measures on the part of the Punjab government.
 He said there could be no correlation of Dengue epidemic with the power loadshedding which would be overcome and the prime minister had given Rs 11 billion fund in this regard.
 He said the people would soon see the PML(N)-led long march, civil obedience movements and protests frustrated as the people understood their tactics.
 He said in Charter of Democracy it had been written there would be no leg-pulling, but the PML(N) was fully indulged in such acts and violating the spirit of the document.
 He was of the view that the opponents could not see success of the PPP including NFC award, Aghaz-e Haqooq-e-Balochistan package besides other measures and they did not want to give credit for these historic measures to the PPP.
 He said it was high time all the political parties made collective efforts to face challenges.
 He said all the political parties were needed to show unity as the PPP-led government manifested in the shape of holding the APC.
 He said the political forces were needed to show political wisdom and issues be resolved through Parliament where every one was free to express his opinion.
 He said his government would complete five year tenure as the people had mandated it into power and the PPP government had ensured transparency and brought every issue to the Parliament.
 He said the loadshedding was not a fresh issue it had been inherited and however the problem would be overcome soon.
 He said it was not him who opposed the accountability bill but the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz that opposed it.
 Replying to a question, he said it had been directed to provide one police guard with automatic weapon to each suziki pickup and two the buses to provide security to passenger in the particular area of Balochistan where killing incident had occurred.
 He said measures were being taken to work out a visa policy on the pattern of Hajj policy to provide security and facilities to the pilgrims going to Iran.
 He in this regard he had sought report within 10 days and added that FC and rangers were also being reinforced there to ensure peace and security.
 Speaking on the occasion, Babar Awan said the Punjab government had badly failed to overcome the Dengue epidemic that had killed hundreds of people in the province.
 He said the funds meant for the health sector was being utilized in other projects that were going to deliver for the masses’ prosperity.
 He said some of the projects including yellow cab schemes besides other projects had been lunched for the benefit of its own people.

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