07-12-2011  18:42:00
Rehman Malik orders strict security during Muharram processions
ISLAMABAD, Dec 4 (APP): Federal Minister for Interior Senator A Rehman Malik has directed all Provincial Home Secretaries and Inspector Generals that no transport including bus, truck, tractor, car, rikshaw, taxi, van, pickup, motorcycle/ cycle, animal, hand carts etc should be allowed to enter into 500 meters radius of the routes of processions and places of Majalis-e-Aza during Muharram-ul-Haraam.
In a statement issued here on Sunday, the minister also directed to ensure that these instructions are circulated amongst all concerned, down to the police stations level, for strict compliance in letter and spirit.
 Malik is personally monitoring the law and order and security situation throughout the country.
 He said that ministry of Interior and National Crises Management Cell (NCMC) will remain open 24 hours to monitor the law and order and security situation throughout the country.

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