24-03-2012  09:09:42

President confers Nishan-e-Imtiaz on Interior Minister

      ISLAMABAD, March 23 (APP): President Asif Ali Zardari on Friday
conferred Nishan-e-Imtiaz on Minister for Interior, Rehman Malik in
recognition of his remarkable service in the field of law enforcement.
     The award was given at a special investiture ceremony at
Aiwan-e-Sadr, said a press release.
      Senator A. Rehman Malik had a distinguished career at Federal
Investigation Agency (FIA) to receive the gallantry award of
Sitara-e-Sujaat in 1995 for his unmatched professional and brave
operational actions during his posting as Director FIA,
NWFP (now Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province) and Gilgit-Baltistan
during 1990-93.
      His last appointment in FIA was Additional Director General when
the PPP government was dismissed in November 1996. As law enforcer,
investigations of number of cases of national and national
ramifications are at his credit.
      Senator A. Rehman Malik was assigned the portfolio of Minister for
Interior at a time when the country was facing the worst onslaught of
terrorism and three to four suicide attacks were occurring daily from
Khyber to Karachi consequent to which innocent lives of both people of
Pakistan and the officers and officials of LEAs including Pakistan Army
were being lost.
      His consistent and daring steps and strategic directions against
terrorists not only kept the morale of the forces up but his actions
also badly dented the capabilities of the terrorists.
      His personal plans, operational guidelines with physical supervision
of the operations broke the network of the terrorists and brought the
terrorism under control. The people of Pakistan once again started
feeling confident in regaining normalcy in the country.
      Under the instructions of the President and the Prime Minister of
Pakistan, he took over the worsening situation of Karachi where the
daily killing number was touching the figure of 19.
      He strategized the action plan and personally supervised the operations in the worst hit areas like Katti Pahari and other hideouts of the terrorists and warlords. 
      In a two weeks time, he managed the arrest of 74 target killers and
extortionists and brought them to justice. They are now facing trials in
relevant courts. His personal devotion and operations directly on ground led
the situation to return to normalcy to Karachi.

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