30-09-2010  10:58:20

Aafia may be brought back as prisoner; case to be dealt politically: Malik

ISLAMABAD, Sept 29 (APP): Minister for Interior Rehman Malik on Wednesday apprised the National Assembly that Dr Aafia Siddiqui may be brought back to Pakistan as a prisoner if Pakistan signs one of the two international conventions.  “Extradition is not applicable on prisoners. When someone flees abroad after committing any crime, the country, where he committed offense would request to the host country for his extradition and furnish all proofs, evidences and duly attested documents, subject to laws of the country,” said the minister winding up the discussion on the adjournment motion regarding non-release of Dr Aafia Siddiqui.
Rejecting the notion that signing of an extradition treaty may help the US get Dr A Q Khan extadited from Pakistan, the interior minister clarified that an extradition treaty already existed between both the countries.
He said,” there is no problem of an extradition treaty rather than that of two conventions. If we sign one of them, we will be able to to bring her (Dr Aafia) back as a prisoner”.
“Keeping this option in view we contacted Dr Fauzia but she declined and opted for any other strategy. I also formed a committee in my chair, comprising secretaries of foreign affairs, interior, and law, a prominent lawyer and Dr Fauzia,” said Rehman Malik.
He said Aafia’s family had shown confidence in a group of US lawyers who have been issued visas to discuss the case at weekend. The US has been requested to allow Dr Aafia contact with her family members.
“At the same time there are some allegations against Dr Aafia. The court has given a verdict and given some reasons but we will have to counter those allegations. And to counter these allegations, only one person can help i.e., Dr Aafia,” said Malik.
The minister said he took up the matter with all US dignitaries individually but later they showed their helplessness to intervene in the judicial system and the second option the government had was to deal the case politically.
“We have decided to take up the case politically. The government has done more than what it could have done. The ministry has requested all child care centers and will also give media ads to search Aafia’s little son, who according to her elder son, was dropped during the scuffle when she was being abducted from Karachi,” he said.
He said one should not doubt that the government had not done enough for Dr Aafia’s release. “I assure you that the government has done what maximum could have been done. I can furnish the whole record of meetings held in this connection”.
“I would not discuss the merits of the case as what and why it all happened to her. I have three points that she was taken away illegally, how she was arrested and why we were so much sleepy as we could not know where she had gone?” he commented.
The minister told the House that he had checked the record of all the airports. She was not taken legally from Pakistan. Secondly when she was not given the right of defence, she showed her non-confidence in the lawyer, therefore they should not have proceeded, he added.
“We were told that Dr Aafia has not imparted any military training. This was her statement before the judge. But when investigation took place, they produced a certificate of Dr Aafia having taken part in an examination in a training programme. Now if it was wrong, it was the duty of the defence team to do it. I understand the fact that she could not have been defended for the very reason that she did not have the lawyer,” he said.
Rehman Malik said the Prime Minister sanctioned $20 million and hired a counsel but later Dr Aafia refused to avail the facility. When the jury gave the decision, the Prime Minister assured to provide as much money as required for her defence but her sister Fauzia also refused to take any aid and because of her sister that case went undefended.
He told the House that despite Aafia’s refusal, her brother dealing with the case in the US has already filed an appeal in the Supreme Court, which, he said, would suspend the punishment.
He said the copy of verdict has also been sought form the US and has ordered our embassy there for appointment of a legal counselor to deal with the case. 

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