20-10-2010  08:40:09

Strict, across the board action ordered against target killing

ISLAMABAD, Oct 19 (APP): Federal Interior Minister Rehman Malik Tuesday said that special instructions have been given to law enforcement agencies to take strict, transparent and across the board action against criminals operating in Karachi.Talking to PTV he said, it seems that there is a well thought out plan behind the recent killings in Karachi. But, the remedy of the situation was an immediate action against those who are doing it for which certain steps have been taken and a strict action has been ordered, he said.
Referring to the fresh wave of target killings in Karachi, the Minister said that Federal Government was deeply concerned over the incidents and was working on various proposals of the provincial government to tackle the problem which recurs after every two or three months.
“I have just issued the instructions to the DG Rangers and IGP to decide the areas according to the available information based on the intelligence and move the action immediately to those areas where the trouble is. There is no operation but there will be targeted raids according to the intelligence which is available about these terrorists,” he informed.
To a question he said, solid steps were taken to check the crime rate in Karachi and “We have taken care of sensitive areas which are now safe.”
“There are some specific information which at this stage we would not like to share. But action has been ordered. The forces have already moved,” he said.
To another question about involvement of political elements he said, some criminals try to take cover of political parties.The law enforcing agencies have arrested several accused allegedly involved in the target killings and they confessed their crimes while showing their affiliation with one or the other political party.
Interior Minister said, Karachi is a big city with over 20 million population. There are land mafia, drug mafia and other groups including terrorists. Intelligence agencies are working on the task and such groups are being identified.
He said that nobody will be spared if found involved in any criminal activity and he may either be from MQM, ANP or even PPP.
He urged the masses to come forward and play their role and pass on information of any criminal activity to the law enforcement agencies as with the help of the community, law enforcement agencies can perform better.
Rehman Malik said that the present police force of Sindh was not enough to control the crimes and they have approached the Federal Government to induct an additional force of 10,000 police personnel to contain the law and order situation in the province. 
He said that various laws will be introduced to deweaponise the civilians in Karachi

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