27-10-2010  08:58:31

UK acknowledges Pakistan’s huge sacrifices in war against terrorism 

ISLAMABAD, Oct 26 (APP): British Secretary of State for Home Affairs and Women and Equality, Theresa May while acknowledging Pakistan’s huge sacrifices in the war against terrorism Tuesday assured UK’s all out support to Pakistan in diverse fields. “Pakistan has paid the highest price than any country in the world in the struggle against terrorists. Our two countries are one as we confront this common threat”, the British Secretary of State for Home Affairs said while addressing a joint press conference with his Pakistani counterpart Rehman Malik here.
She said British Prime Minister David Cameron has committed to enhance the strategic dialogue (with Pakistan) and a key part of that is getting most tangible security relationship.
She further said that her visit has identified a number of opportunities in enhancing the counter-terrorism agenda, which would be taken to joint working group shortly.
The British Home Secretary said that UK would provide 700 million pounds assistance to Pakistan for the betterment of women, development in health and education sectors and for creating new opportunities. The assistance would be provided in four years, she added.
She referred to the contribution of Pakistani expatriates in UK in the socio-economic development of Pakistan and said the country has received 70 million pounds in remittances from the Pakistan origin people in UK.
She said the United Kingdom was not only committed to promote bilateral ties with Pakistan but also wanted to extend cooperation in different sectors.
She said the UK government provided 134 million pounds to flood affected people of Pakistan, adding, the UK citizens also donated 60 million pounds for the same cause.
She said UK is expediting the visa issuance process for Pakistanis and they would now get visa in minimum possible time.
She said it was agreed in his meeting with Interior Minister A. Rehman Malik that a joint working group would be constituted for combating terrorism.
She also appreciated the Pakistan government for its initiative of Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) and said that it would provide great benefits to female segment of Pakistani society.
She said women are enjoying their due rights during the term of PPP government.
Meanwhile, the Interior Minister A. Rehman Malik briefed the media regarding his meeting with British counterpart.
He said that the two sides signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to counter human trafficking.
He said human trafficking has emerged as a great menace and Pakistan government constituted a task force for curbing it.
He said Islamabad has requested London to deportation of illegal Pakistanis residing in UK, we have also requested them to share the information of those Pakistanis who are illegally staying in UK.
Keeping in view the international security challenges, Pakistan and UK would ensure intelligence sharing and the two countries would appoint focal persons in this regard, Malik said.
He said UK Prime Minister would visit Pakistan in December to meet his Pakistani counterpart, adding that a joint working group has been constituted to finalize an agenda for the discussion between the two high-ups.
He said Pakistani government and nation are grateful to UK government and its people for their assistance for flood affected people.
To a question, Rehman Malik said during the meeting UK assured minimum time for issuance of visas to Pakistanis, adding that the visa would now be issued in 15 days.
Visa for business community would be issued in three days, while we have requested that visa for journalist should be issued in seven days.
To a question regarding killing of MQM leader Dr. Imran Farooq, the British Secretary of State for Home Affairs and Women and Equality, Theresa May said that investigation is still underway. 

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