25-07-2010  17:01:06
NACTA to be activated immediately for curbing terrorism: Kaira    
ISLAMABAD, July 5 (APP) - The government has decided to immediately activate the National Counter Terrorism Authority (NACTA) to root out terrorism.The decision was taken in a high level meeting on ‘national security’ presided over by Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani here on Monday.The government expressed resolve to develop consensus among political and religious leadership for developing unanimity of action against the terrorists and a future action plan, Minister for Information and Broadcasting Qamar Zaman Kaira told media in joint press conference with Interior Minister Rehman Malik after the meeting.
He said the meeting was attended by Chief Ministers, Chief Secretaries, Inspector Generals of Police, Prime Minister Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Chief Secretary and Inspector General of Police (IGP) AJK, representatives from Gilgit Baltistan and heads of all intelligence agencies of the country.
Kaira said that the meeting was convened by prime minister in the wake of recent wave of terrorism in the country, especially after suicidal attacks on Datta Darbar in Lahore.
He said the meeting considered counter terrorism policy of the government and measures to further improve it in order to eradicate the menace of terrorism from country.
He said the prime minister expressed sorrow over the incident of ‘Datta Darbar’, adding that the terrorist attack on important “Sufi Shrine” was a matter of great concern for all.
He said the meeting emphasised the need for formulating a unanimous policy in consultation with all the stakeholder to curb terrorism.
The meeting reviewed law and order situation in the country and observed that after the defeat in bordering areas the terrorists had moved to the settled areas, especially of Punjab to create unrest and destabilise the country.
Kaira said the prime minister ordered to convene a national conference, adding that the date of the conference would be announced after consultation with all stakeholders.
“A national policy on counter terrorism would be formulated in the light of moot’s recommendations and suggestions of the Parliamentary committee on national security,” he added.
He said the prime minister ordered to immediately activate NACTA, which would review the previous policies on counter terrorism and suggest measures for future policy.
“The government is determined to utilise all the available resources to overcome unemployment, poverty and hunger, the root causes of terrorism,” he said, adding that the provinces would also be facilitated to resolve the problems of masses.
He said legislation on Anti Terrorist Act (ATA) was delayed due to budget session. The prime minister has directed the meeting to amend the act and present it in National Assembly for legislation, Kaira told media.
He said the premier also directed to improve intelligence sharing among the provinces and federation so that any information about a possible terrorist attack could be passed timely.
Kaira said the government is pursuing the policy of 3Ds— dialogue, deterrence and development, but the question arises that with whom the government should talk.
“The government is ready to hold dialogue with those who will surrender and accept its writ,” he said, adding the sacrifices of the martyrs will not go in vain.
The meeting underlined the capacity building of law enforcement agencies. “The government will provide additional resources for capacity building of law enforcement agencies. We are also in contact with other countries in this regard,” he added.
Kaira said the prime minister ordered to expedite work on Madrassa reforms, adding the unfortunate incident of ‘Data Darbar’ has proved that the enemies are trying to ignite sectarian violence in the country.
“Together we have to foil the ulterior motives of the enemies.  We should not have to indulge in sectarianism, because it is a conspiracy of the enemies,” he said.
He said inter-faith harmony would be one of the motives of national conference.
To a question about restrictions on media, information minister said the government believes in independence of media and there is no plan to impose any kind of restriction on it.
He said the government is committed to remove the draconian amendments introduced in PEMRA ordinance by former President Pervez Musharraf during his regime.
The minister said a bill in this regard is before the National Assembly and would be passed in the next session.
Responding to a question, Kaira said Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani would convene a national conference to evolve a unified and comprehensive strategy to combat terrorism and extremism in a more effective manner.
He said leadership of all major political parties, irrespective of that they are in the parliament or not, would be invited to attend the moot.
“Last year, the government also held an All Parties Conference (APC) and got support of political leadership for its military operation in Swat and tribal areas.”
The APC, attended by leaders of 43 political parties, adopted a joint declaration and supported the government efforts to restore peace and rule of law in the troubled region of Malakand and Swat, he recalled.
To a question, Interior Minister Rehman Malik said there is complete coordination between the federal and Punjab governments.
He said he has also held a detailed meeting with Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif and discussed various issues related to security.
Kaira said that Shahbaz Sharif also acknowledged the efforts of Rehman Malik.
Malik said investigation into Datta Darbar incident is underway and it would be premature to pin point any one before the completion of due course of probe.
However, he said that one suicide bomber of Datta Darbar has been identified.
He said there is no plan to launch military or security forces’ operation in Punjab, adding the provincial government would take any decision in this regard, however, the federation would support them.
“The federation would extend all kind of cooperation to the provincial government of Punjab as it provided to the government of Khyber Pakhtunkhawa in past against the terrorists,” he commented.
To another question he said the government is working on amendments in the Anti Terrorist Act (ATA) to give exemplary punishment to terrorists.
He said that ordinance in this regard is also expected as presently no session of the parliament is in progress.
The minister also lauded the performance of the intelligence agencies and said many incidents were averted due to timely action of the agencies.
To a question about funding of banned outfits, Rehman Malik said that the banned outfits were involved in drug business, looting people and kidnapping for ransom.
He said the ammunition was being smuggled from Afghanistan and Islamabad has taken up the matter with Kabul, adding that a qualitative change would be seen soon in this regard.

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